Almost every person who was born in 60, 70, 80 years, remembers how were equipped gymnastic halls in mainstream schools

Almost every person who was born in 60, 70, 80 years, remembers how were equipped gymnastic halls in ordinary schools. The walls have special shells, called wall bars. With their help educators teach children to sport and teenagers perform various exercises for sports equipment. In some cases, a wooden ladder to hang a special horizontal bars with which the boys moved up, performing standards.
Currently, Swedish walls http://www.insport.com.ua/catalog/shvedskie_stenki_i_detskie_ugolki/shvedskie_stenki/ do not lose their relevance and their acquisition puzzled many sports schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, and private individuals. Usually caring parents acquire such a structure the execution of natural wood in a city apartment or a country cottage to a growing baby could be strong and agile. It is known that modern children often suffer from scoliosis, as long hours spend on the school desk or home computer.
Regularly using wall bars and habituating kid to physical exercise, you can try to avoid such terrible diseases as scoliosis and premature osteochondrosis. The child will be engaged on the wall bars only 10 to 15 minutes a day and it will form the correct posture, muscle relief, to develop endurance. This, in turn, will benefit the health of the growing baby.
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