Batteries wildebeest: Samsung develops flexible battery for smart watches
After some three years bendable gadgets cease to be a bug, and will become a feature: at the last 14-16 October in Seoul exhibition InterBattery 2014 Samsung introduced a new generation of flexible batteries for portable devices. These batteries are so flexible that they can be literally twisted in a knot - or used as a bracelet, which is important for wrist gadgets.
Engaged in power supply and display unit Samsung SDI collaboration with the Institute of advanced technology Samsung (there is also an effect) developed the basic technologies used in batteries. Battery capacity - 210 mAh, which is 5 times the volume of batteries on the market wrist gadgets, утверждают developers .
Flexible widget i>
Koreans are planning to finalize the technology in terms of reliability and safety, to prepare them for mass production and use in future smart watches Tizen. Samsung has already patented the design and materials of the battery. Yes they will reach mass production for three years.
Samsungovtsy also shown at the exhibition Compressed battery 20 mm long and 3 to 6 mm in diameter, with capacity of 10 mAh. It is 80 times smaller batteries used in laptops, and is intended to supply portable gadgets in the future.
A similar development busy unit LG Chem, analogue samsungovskogo SDI - a year ago they анонсировали. However, in this case, is expected to enter the market only a few years.
Smart gadgets -
flexible electronic gadgets, according to the i>
[ report andorro news ]
Source: geektimes.ru/post/240420/
Engaged in power supply and display unit Samsung SDI collaboration with the Institute of advanced technology Samsung (there is also an effect) developed the basic technologies used in batteries. Battery capacity - 210 mAh, which is 5 times the volume of batteries on the market wrist gadgets, утверждают developers .
Flexible widget i>
Koreans are planning to finalize the technology in terms of reliability and safety, to prepare them for mass production and use in future smart watches Tizen. Samsung has already patented the design and materials of the battery. Yes they will reach mass production for three years.
Samsungovtsy also shown at the exhibition Compressed battery 20 mm long and 3 to 6 mm in diameter, with capacity of 10 mAh. It is 80 times smaller batteries used in laptops, and is intended to supply portable gadgets in the future.
A similar development busy unit LG Chem, analogue samsungovskogo SDI - a year ago they анонсировали. However, in this case, is expected to enter the market only a few years.
Smart gadgets -
flexible electronic gadgets, according to the i>
[ report andorro news ]
Source: geektimes.ru/post/240420/
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