89-year-old Italvino and 80-year-old Divo Posse from Brazil lived together for 65 years
89-year-old Italvino and 80-year-old Divo Posse from Brazil lived together for 65 years - and died with a difference of 40 minutes. According to family members, spouses have not spent a single day apart.
In August 2014 a man was diagnosed with leukemia. In April this year, the Diva has started chemotherapy session because she found a tumor in the bladder. Last week, the state of the women began to deteriorate rapidly, and she was admitted to hospital. Italvino also became worse, and he was taken to the same hospital.
Man laid on the bed next to his wife, so that they can hold hands. Italvino died first. She died 40 minutes later.
Family members spouses remember that Italvino every morning preparing breakfast and his wife took care of land on which to grow their favorite Diva vegetables.
Source: www.express.co.uk

In August 2014 a man was diagnosed with leukemia. In April this year, the Diva has started chemotherapy session because she found a tumor in the bladder. Last week, the state of the women began to deteriorate rapidly, and she was admitted to hospital. Italvino also became worse, and he was taken to the same hospital.
Man laid on the bed next to his wife, so that they can hold hands. Italvino died first. She died 40 minutes later.
Family members spouses remember that Italvino every morning preparing breakfast and his wife took care of land on which to grow their favorite Diva vegetables.

Source: www.express.co.uk