Brazil. Vegetables and fruits.
19 Picchu
Clinging to the vast network of the Internet in order to help the cub in a home setting of exotic plants and food, I came across an absolutely wonderful blog about Brazil
About Zhabutikabu Noni and I have already written, but the rest - is noteworthy. I could not lay out to comrades so informative and quite funny stuff. There are minor changes my, I apologize to the author.
1. Passing Brazilian vegetable shop you can always think about. This is not a fruit, not a vegetable or fruit. Not herbs or nuts, or tubers. In general - I do not have this stuff collective-word name. The head comes only appropriate word - is the trunk! The picture shows the starting material for the production of "palmityl" - palm hearts.
But that can be made from palm trunks? See here
2. The Brazilian vegetable shop. Zucchini. In the far background not peas and desyatikilogrammovye bags of oranges. As it begins recipes? Take a couple of zucchini ...
3. scenes from the life of the local market: cassava. The conditional translated into Russian reality - it is a piece of potato. Is it possible to economically conquer a country that has such a "potato" growing?
4. Natural forms of central Brazil - just picked up from the ground or plucked from a tree. There already have and the vase and its contents, and finished necklaces and earrings, and still do not understand that. They say that is edible, not tried.
5. Promotion of healthy lifestyles. It is proposed to barbecue.
The recipe is simple. Ripe papaya cubes strung on wooden skewers. You make a sauce of passion fruit pulp, mixed with a spoonful of rum and lemon juice. Watered barbecue sauce and sprinkle with coconut. Here you have a mix of business with pleasure!
6. And here it is already quite out of the ordinary ... I do not recognize? But everyone knows what it is. In words. Now you can see firsthand. This chewing tobacco.
7. Amazing Brazil never end. You go to the supermarket, and after several years suddenly finds a completely unfamiliar things. And many vendors, it seems, they are also strangers, as well as for customers. This Kara-du-ar or Kara - borboleta (butterfly). It is also called the "forest potatoes." In contrast to potato tubers do not grow under the ground, and on the surface and when ripen simply fall to the ground, where they are collected.
8. In Central Brazil is seasonal fruit Kazha manga. Delicious, and refreshing fruit kislosladky like a big plum. Its main zakovyka - it permeated the entire ribs, like fish bones. If you do not know and try to bite off a piece of swallow - it can be a throat. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully gnaw kazhamangu until the location of the fetus does not remain something like a hedgehog.
9. Let's get acquainted with another Brazilian gastronomic everyday life - called "Koshin" (translated from the Portuguese - "thighs"). High cooking this creature can not be named, but deny him the comfort of a quick snack you will not refuse. To buy in any bakery and snack almost that whole second dish. Judge for yourself: the outside of a significant layer of potatoes (a side dish) inside - various meat toppings, mostly chicken with cheese and vegetables. Small Koshin one bite in a large number are used as part of the menu for parties of the "buffet", when the owners too lazy to engage in cooking. If it is our shaverma easier. Or shawarma. As you like.
10. Finally found a sphere in which the influence of Russian culture in Brazil is difficult to overestimate. Look at the names of the Brazilian purely Russian vodka Natasha, balalaika, Leontyev, Orlov, Laika, Sputnik, or even Taiga! That's what the country's credibility in one narrow but important area of life! Respect :-)
11. Today once again rummage in the Brazilian supermarket, look for something exotic, well, such as bananas. What exotic bananas? - You ask - and be wrong. It is somewhere in Europe - the banana is a banana. In Brazil, there is bananas and bananas: small, medium, large, sweet, fresh, yellow, green, brown, bananas for humans and animals, eaten raw or roasted.
In any vegetable shop or supermarket in Brazil can meet grades five - six bananas:
banana d'água Water banana
Banana-maçã apple banana
Banana-ouro Golden Banana
Banana-prata Silver banana
Banana Banana terra Ground
Banana Banana-nanica - Naniken
More rare bananas
banana-de-são-tomé - banana Sao Tome
banana-sapo - banana - Toad
That is why the phrase "Go buy bananas" in Brazil is not complete. What is the banana?
12. Perhaps aware that the concert in France, Russian folk song "Oh, you canopy, my porch," declared as a "lobby, Mon lobby." Here, too, something like: if with a certain irony to translate from Russian into brazilsko-Portuguese "go to the country on the kebabs", you get & quot; -sezdit on in the Shakar pamonyu & quot ;. :-) Remarkable property of the feast is its pamoni The lowest production cost. Judge for yourself! First collected immediately at Shakar milky corn. Here in Brazil, even if it is to fly, you get very cheap. She then cleaned and the inner leaves are collected separately for later use. Then apparatik corn is converted into slurry. Corn dough filled with various additives in its envelopes of the same leaf. The filling can be used as a cheese made here, or something sweet yeah and that tells a fantasy. Then, on the stove-kaypira all cooked in a large cauldron. Here it is - at the mountain! Pamonya - is both a first course, if it is salty, and dessert if sweet. To distinguish it, conditional on pamonyu tied bows of the same leaf.
13. This thing, like a piece of caked red Brazilian earth, actually a fruit, and fruit superekzotichesky. Not only do they know only in areas of the Brazilian biomes "cerrado", but it also wild, and keep up only once a year, just in time for the Lent and is therefore called fruto da quaresma (fruit of Lent). Transportation, he can not be too soft and gentle, so it will find a select few, at the right time to visit central Brazil. This is one of those cases where the taste of a completely new, but taken immediately. White myakost very juicy and sweet, like a pinyu, but with a strong ethereal smell funky, there is some flavor of pitches. The smell of sea buckthorn undismantled form. You begin to eat and you can not stop, just like in the cartoon. After some time, the fruit gently strikes to the head. I wonder what?
14. Shusha. Something like zucchini, but pitted. The uniform is not particularly great green mass. But it turns out remarkably tasty fried in boiling oil mixed with small pieces of dough. In a simple stew cubes - mournful garbage, for an amateur.
15. Gilot. According to resemble green eggs and taste - bitter eggplant. If they are finely chopped, sprinkle with lemon juice and pepper, it turns on a specific refreshing salad.
16. Kiaby. The specifics of this vegetable or pod - viscous mucus released about his cooking. Not to the table will be discussed, but it resembles the appearance of the nozzle. If you get used to it - it is possible.
17. This is one of the most common plants in Brazil - Tukum or Tucuman, or simpler minikokos, edible exact same as its big brother. Even edible larvae, sometimes living in the coconut. Surprisingly, this simple plant has become a symbol of social justice, love and equality.
18. The author of the blog rhetorical question: "Do you have bananas bones?" I ask, just in case, perhaps - and so everything is know. The answer is clear: Yes, of course! Big, little black seeds. I've no idea, little teeth are not broken!
Finally !!!
19. For those who like to compare and answering numerous questions about the cost of living in Brazil, took a photo of "consumer basket" worth a little less than $ 95. Immediately I must say that the basket crooked terms of basic goods: Overseas Bank sprat pulls on 5% of the total price of the meat - the most expensive kind - the queen shurrasko beeping, Brazil imported apples and more whimsy than necessity. Have five to six cans of beer and wine glasses, too, is not quite the basic concept. Supermarket average price category, not the most expensive or the cheapest. But all is not close to life, this life is no different. Not to say that Brazil is a cheap country. Does anyone appreciate, say, Moscow rates the same basket?
The composition of the basket of the following:
The juice of different varieties - 6 liters
Wine glass - 6 pieces
Film for food packaging - 1 roll
Passion Fruit 700 g
Apples 1, 5 kg
Carrot 1kg
Greens 1 bunch
Egg noodles 1 kg
Ketchup 300 ml
Breakfast Nestle Chocolate 300g
Mayonnaise -200 gr
Yogurt tropical fruits - 1l
Eggs 12 pcs
Cabbage purple 1, 7 kg
Processed cheese 100g
Soy sauce 100g
PASOK (soy bars)
Scouring 3 pieces
Condensed milk
Bank of canned palm hearts "palmityl" 250g
Black tea 50 g
Beef for shurrasko "beeping" 2 kg
Pineapple pieces 2
Corn milk 2, 4 kg
A stack of toothpicks
Chicken fillet 800 gram
Potatoes 2 kg
2 cans of peas
1 mature coconut
Smoked mozzarella cheese
The cheese on skewers for shurrasko
Riga sprats
A box of chocolates 350 gr.
Mango 1kg
20 plastic plates
Purple Onions 0, 5 kg
Tuna in oil 1 tin
Beet 1, 5 kg
Clinging to the vast network of the Internet in order to help the cub in a home setting of exotic plants and food, I came across an absolutely wonderful blog about Brazil
About Zhabutikabu Noni and I have already written, but the rest - is noteworthy. I could not lay out to comrades so informative and quite funny stuff. There are minor changes my, I apologize to the author.
1. Passing Brazilian vegetable shop you can always think about. This is not a fruit, not a vegetable or fruit. Not herbs or nuts, or tubers. In general - I do not have this stuff collective-word name. The head comes only appropriate word - is the trunk! The picture shows the starting material for the production of "palmityl" - palm hearts.
But that can be made from palm trunks? See here

2. The Brazilian vegetable shop. Zucchini. In the far background not peas and desyatikilogrammovye bags of oranges. As it begins recipes? Take a couple of zucchini ...

3. scenes from the life of the local market: cassava. The conditional translated into Russian reality - it is a piece of potato. Is it possible to economically conquer a country that has such a "potato" growing?

4. Natural forms of central Brazil - just picked up from the ground or plucked from a tree. There already have and the vase and its contents, and finished necklaces and earrings, and still do not understand that. They say that is edible, not tried.

5. Promotion of healthy lifestyles. It is proposed to barbecue.
The recipe is simple. Ripe papaya cubes strung on wooden skewers. You make a sauce of passion fruit pulp, mixed with a spoonful of rum and lemon juice. Watered barbecue sauce and sprinkle with coconut. Here you have a mix of business with pleasure!

6. And here it is already quite out of the ordinary ... I do not recognize? But everyone knows what it is. In words. Now you can see firsthand. This chewing tobacco.

7. Amazing Brazil never end. You go to the supermarket, and after several years suddenly finds a completely unfamiliar things. And many vendors, it seems, they are also strangers, as well as for customers. This Kara-du-ar or Kara - borboleta (butterfly). It is also called the "forest potatoes." In contrast to potato tubers do not grow under the ground, and on the surface and when ripen simply fall to the ground, where they are collected.

8. In Central Brazil is seasonal fruit Kazha manga. Delicious, and refreshing fruit kislosladky like a big plum. Its main zakovyka - it permeated the entire ribs, like fish bones. If you do not know and try to bite off a piece of swallow - it can be a throat. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully gnaw kazhamangu until the location of the fetus does not remain something like a hedgehog.

9. Let's get acquainted with another Brazilian gastronomic everyday life - called "Koshin" (translated from the Portuguese - "thighs"). High cooking this creature can not be named, but deny him the comfort of a quick snack you will not refuse. To buy in any bakery and snack almost that whole second dish. Judge for yourself: the outside of a significant layer of potatoes (a side dish) inside - various meat toppings, mostly chicken with cheese and vegetables. Small Koshin one bite in a large number are used as part of the menu for parties of the "buffet", when the owners too lazy to engage in cooking. If it is our shaverma easier. Or shawarma. As you like.

10. Finally found a sphere in which the influence of Russian culture in Brazil is difficult to overestimate. Look at the names of the Brazilian purely Russian vodka Natasha, balalaika, Leontyev, Orlov, Laika, Sputnik, or even Taiga! That's what the country's credibility in one narrow but important area of life! Respect :-)

11. Today once again rummage in the Brazilian supermarket, look for something exotic, well, such as bananas. What exotic bananas? - You ask - and be wrong. It is somewhere in Europe - the banana is a banana. In Brazil, there is bananas and bananas: small, medium, large, sweet, fresh, yellow, green, brown, bananas for humans and animals, eaten raw or roasted.
In any vegetable shop or supermarket in Brazil can meet grades five - six bananas:
banana d'água Water banana
Banana-maçã apple banana
Banana-ouro Golden Banana
Banana-prata Silver banana
Banana Banana terra Ground
Banana Banana-nanica - Naniken
More rare bananas
banana-de-são-tomé - banana Sao Tome
banana-sapo - banana - Toad
That is why the phrase "Go buy bananas" in Brazil is not complete. What is the banana?

12. Perhaps aware that the concert in France, Russian folk song "Oh, you canopy, my porch," declared as a "lobby, Mon lobby." Here, too, something like: if with a certain irony to translate from Russian into brazilsko-Portuguese "go to the country on the kebabs", you get & quot; -sezdit on in the Shakar pamonyu & quot ;. :-) Remarkable property of the feast is its pamoni The lowest production cost. Judge for yourself! First collected immediately at Shakar milky corn. Here in Brazil, even if it is to fly, you get very cheap. She then cleaned and the inner leaves are collected separately for later use. Then apparatik corn is converted into slurry. Corn dough filled with various additives in its envelopes of the same leaf. The filling can be used as a cheese made here, or something sweet yeah and that tells a fantasy. Then, on the stove-kaypira all cooked in a large cauldron. Here it is - at the mountain! Pamonya - is both a first course, if it is salty, and dessert if sweet. To distinguish it, conditional on pamonyu tied bows of the same leaf.

13. This thing, like a piece of caked red Brazilian earth, actually a fruit, and fruit superekzotichesky. Not only do they know only in areas of the Brazilian biomes "cerrado", but it also wild, and keep up only once a year, just in time for the Lent and is therefore called fruto da quaresma (fruit of Lent). Transportation, he can not be too soft and gentle, so it will find a select few, at the right time to visit central Brazil. This is one of those cases where the taste of a completely new, but taken immediately. White myakost very juicy and sweet, like a pinyu, but with a strong ethereal smell funky, there is some flavor of pitches. The smell of sea buckthorn undismantled form. You begin to eat and you can not stop, just like in the cartoon. After some time, the fruit gently strikes to the head. I wonder what?

14. Shusha. Something like zucchini, but pitted. The uniform is not particularly great green mass. But it turns out remarkably tasty fried in boiling oil mixed with small pieces of dough. In a simple stew cubes - mournful garbage, for an amateur.

15. Gilot. According to resemble green eggs and taste - bitter eggplant. If they are finely chopped, sprinkle with lemon juice and pepper, it turns on a specific refreshing salad.

16. Kiaby. The specifics of this vegetable or pod - viscous mucus released about his cooking. Not to the table will be discussed, but it resembles the appearance of the nozzle. If you get used to it - it is possible.

17. This is one of the most common plants in Brazil - Tukum or Tucuman, or simpler minikokos, edible exact same as its big brother. Even edible larvae, sometimes living in the coconut. Surprisingly, this simple plant has become a symbol of social justice, love and equality.

18. The author of the blog rhetorical question: "Do you have bananas bones?" I ask, just in case, perhaps - and so everything is know. The answer is clear: Yes, of course! Big, little black seeds. I've no idea, little teeth are not broken!

Finally !!!
19. For those who like to compare and answering numerous questions about the cost of living in Brazil, took a photo of "consumer basket" worth a little less than $ 95. Immediately I must say that the basket crooked terms of basic goods: Overseas Bank sprat pulls on 5% of the total price of the meat - the most expensive kind - the queen shurrasko beeping, Brazil imported apples and more whimsy than necessity. Have five to six cans of beer and wine glasses, too, is not quite the basic concept. Supermarket average price category, not the most expensive or the cheapest. But all is not close to life, this life is no different. Not to say that Brazil is a cheap country. Does anyone appreciate, say, Moscow rates the same basket?
The composition of the basket of the following:
The juice of different varieties - 6 liters
Wine glass - 6 pieces
Film for food packaging - 1 roll
Passion Fruit 700 g
Apples 1, 5 kg
Carrot 1kg
Greens 1 bunch
Egg noodles 1 kg
Ketchup 300 ml
Breakfast Nestle Chocolate 300g
Mayonnaise -200 gr
Yogurt tropical fruits - 1l
Eggs 12 pcs
Cabbage purple 1, 7 kg
Processed cheese 100g
Soy sauce 100g
PASOK (soy bars)
Scouring 3 pieces
Condensed milk
Bank of canned palm hearts "palmityl" 250g
Black tea 50 g
Beef for shurrasko "beeping" 2 kg
Pineapple pieces 2
Corn milk 2, 4 kg
A stack of toothpicks
Chicken fillet 800 gram
Potatoes 2 kg
2 cans of peas
1 mature coconut
Smoked mozzarella cheese
The cheese on skewers for shurrasko
Riga sprats
A box of chocolates 350 gr.
Mango 1kg
20 plastic plates
Purple Onions 0, 5 kg
Tuna in oil 1 tin
Beet 1, 5 kg

I fly, I mean, on a plane ...
Scientists have several "missed" by mistake arranging snowfall in Beijing.