About Brazil eyes Russians

1. In Brazil, no one ever comes on time, if you invited guests at 6 pm, expect that they will begin to slowly gather no earlier than 8-9. Even the news and on TV series start with 10-15 minutes late. 2. Do not agreed to pay in cash, and almost all are always in credit kartochkami.

3. If you decide to pay nalichkoj, be prepared for the fact that the exact delivery to you here will not necessarily will miss a couple tsentavov. 4. Spending on travel 3-4 hours a day (in terrible traffic) for the inhabitants of São Paulo - normal things. In the 11 million city per inhabitant at least 3 cars, thanks to the plug from Monday to Sunday provided. 5. The Brazilians love to walk in the street in rubber flip-flops Havaianas (Havayanas). Even in expensive restaurants and nightclubs can meet people in shlepkah.

6. Guarana (local soda from the guarana berry) and Coca-Cola - the most popular soft drinks. 7. To the question: "How are you (Tudo bem)?», There is only one answer - "All is well (Tudo)." Even if everything is not quite good, or even bad, need to answer - "Everything is great." 8. Monkeys in Brazil is very difficult to find, well, do not have them here on the streets. Point! 9. On the streets is very dangerous, so no one ever walks in the evenings through the dark alleys. Do not let children walk alone on the street. 10. In all, even very poor, there is a maid who cleans the apartment and prepares est.

11. Houses are no carpets on the floor and wallpaper on the walls. Carpets on the walls, of course, are not. 12. Each apartment has at least 2-3 bathrooms, Brazilians are not as Russian living in an apartment with one bathroom. 13. Food in Brazil is very monotonous - rice, fried potatoes, boiled beans (not individually but together, once all 3 side dish), salad and fried beef twice a day every day. 14. On the street, always and everywhere a lot of beggars and homeless people. Beg, even if you are young and healthy, able-bodied Brazilian, is not considered shameful. 15. Brazilians are very talkative and sociable people, they begin to talk to each other on the street, in a shop, public transport with or without povoda.

16. On the other hand, the molestation of young people on the street with a proposal to "Girl, let's get acquainted" considered strictly taboo. 17. The Brazilians love beer and rum (vodka from sugar cane). 18. The prices of all imported products in Brazil are 2-3 times higher than in all other countries, "thanks" to 70% -100% gosnalogu levied on all imported goods. 19. B Brazil still has 15% of the people who can not read and write, and about 30% of the population are considered functionally illiterate (can not find the information you need to read it). 20. The Brazilians love to drink coffee at any time of day or night, even young children are allowed to drink coffee from the detstva.

21. All the sweets in Brazil by 2-3 times sweeter than candy to which we are accustomed. 22. Even very old houses in Brazil within are in very good condition as each tenant fail to pay condominium (fee for maintenance of the building, whiling away from 20 to 60% of the monthly rent). 23. Hobbies average Brazilian:
a. viewing football with friends and a lot of beer;
b. eating shuhasko (Brazilian species of our kebab), plus a lot of beer;
c. beach (where beer consumption is also not possible in some cases, the beer can be replaced coconut water) 24. The most important holiday of the year - Christmas. New Year is not particularly noted. 25. The majority of Brazilians - Catholics, about 70% of the population go to church every voskresenie.

26. Traditional Brazilian breakfast - a cheesy bread (pão de queijo), ripe papaya and a cup of yogurt or a cup of coffee. 27. Brazilians almost never eat pork, not because of religious beliefs, but they believe the pork fat and heavy food (but "a light" for digestion beans they are happy to use every day). 28. In the south of Brazil, a lot of blond and blue-eyed Brazilians, not all dark-haired and dark-skinned Brazilians. 29. The most important part of the female body in Brazil is considered to be the priest, respectively, priests little does not happen. It is believed that the larger it is, the better. 30. Brazil is considered to be blond, even people with dark hair color Light Brown. Even owners of chestnut head of hair can go for loiro / loira (blond / blonde) in this part of mira.

31. Soaps and football has never shown on TV at the same time as viewing both masterpieces of art widescreen integral part of everyday life of the Brazilian. 32. Because of the high prices, even for groceries agreed to pay by credit card installments for 2-3 months. In department stores and all prices are written in a way 20 × 6 (a total of 120 reais, in installments for 6 months). 33. English in Brazil you will not help. Well, absolutely! 34. Brazilians are real patriots, love their country país maravilhoso abençoado por Deus e bonito por natureza (blessed by God and beautiful by nature). T-shirt Brasil and the Brazilian flag is in the closet of every Brazilian. 35. marriage is treated with caution, prefer encounter 5 or even 10 years before making this decision.
36. The third child in the family - it is at least almost no families with 2 children. 37. Despite the large number of poor people and problems, the Brazilians are one of the happiest nations on the planet. 38. During Carnival, the whole country is resting (Carnival is a national holiday). 39. The largest Japanese city outside Japan is in Sao Paulo (district Liberdadzhe) .

40. The Brazilians are very temperamental and jealous. Very jealous! 41. The Brazilians are very attached to their families, maintain very strong relationship even with distant relatives (aunts, uncles, cousins and brothers).
Source: funlol.ru/6812-41-fakt-o-brazilii-glazami-rossiyanki.html