Chips. Tastes differ

Many people are very fond of chips, they are not difficult to understand, because it is difficult to resist not pohrustet fragrant slice of crisp. Usually sold in stores chips already bored with 6-7 flavors, half of which are very similar to each other and if you do not see a pack, then you will not understand what this vkus.Predlagaem to your attention a collection of photos of packs of crisps with the most unusual flavors that are sold in different countries. Some of these flavors may seem normal to you, but it's only because you're used to that sold in your strane.Kapuchino


Tastefully tortillas with different nachinkami

Milk shokolad


Red ikra

Mint ozorstvo

"Cinnamon and sugar" and "White Chocolate and Mint"

Wasabi and imbir

Taste Caesar salad with creamy chesnokom

Mustard and med


Grilled cheese sandwich and ketchupom

Muffin with koritsey


Tastefully cheese bri

Scallops with garlic maslom

Pecan pie (pie with pecans)

Chicken and vafli

Sausage teste

Sharp-sour fish sup

Lemon chay


Tastefully nori

"Lemon and Sesame" and "Blueberry and hazelnut"


Bacon and cheese baked with sea vodoroslyami


Low Fat chipsy

They are 50% less calories and according to the inscription on the package, they will give you 100% pleasure and 0 percent guilt.
Source: 4tololo.ru/content/7005