6 pairs of products that just pretend to be the same

They say that everything in the world already invented. It's hard to disagree, looking at how many similar products is on the shelves.
The website has gathered for you the brands that are decades fighting for our attention. With varying degrees of success.
Pepsi vs. "Coca-Cola"

Everyone knows that humanity can be divided into 2 groups: those who love Pepsi and those who prefer Coca-Cola.
The experiment showed that the tastes of these drinks are really different. Pepsi is sweeter and has a citrus tone, while its competitor is different vanilla flavor.
But the composition they have almost the same. However, the label "Coca-Cola", unlike "Pepsi", the composition is specified directly, and the "Pepsi" is hidden behind a variety of "E". So, for example, phosphoric acid E338 listed as.
By the way, the exact formula of Coca-Cola is unknown, but the composition of the "Pepsi" manufacturers do not hide.
Chips "lay's" vs. Pringles

Another eternal competitors — chips "lay's" and Pringles. The flavors that we offer producers, almost identical, but fans of the Lay's practically never eat Pringles, and Vice versa.
In fact chips "Pringles" potato consists of only 42 %, and these use a yeast dough. But "lay's" is the chips in the classic sense, which is a fried potato slices.
However, manufacturers do not hide the composition of their products, so we can choose what we taste.
Tea "Lipton" vs. tea "Carry

The struggle between these two drinks, though not as well known but equally tense, as in "Pepsi" and "Coca-Cola". They taste almost identical, and the composition is almost the same — it includes concentrates of tea, water and sugar or sweetener. However, if you believe the labels, then for the production of black tea "Bear" uses natural flavors, and "Lipton" — identical to natural.
However, apparently, fans of the "Lipton" is much more — because of the high competition, the company creates a "Carry", 2018 closes its operations in most countries, including in Russia.
"Orbits" vs. "Dirol"

Although, again, the similarity of compositions and almost identical tastes, these chewing gum still differ. And it is not only in the packaging — practical experiments carried out by ordinary people, showed that the taste of "Orbit" lasts a little longer than the "Dirol". Speaking of tastes: according to a conducted research, most of the buyers of gum — 61 % — prefer mint.
In addition, if a long time they chew gum, then in the end "Orbit" turns into a kind of dust, but "Dirol" becomes very hard.
"BonAqua" vs. "Aqua Minerale"

What about regular non-carbonated water 2 eternal rivals — "BonAqua" and "Aqua Minerale"? It seems that there are no differences, however, according to the label, the hardness of the water differs 2 times: if "BonAqua" she is 3.5 units, then "Aqua Minerale" — 7.
However, this is not the most important. If you carefully read the labels on both bottles, you can find that takes the water from the centralized water supply source, or, more simply, tap. Of course, it goes through multiple stages of purification, but the fact is, of course, does not change.
Hamburger "Burger king" vs. hamburger "McDonald's"

The most popular dish at any fast food restaurant is, of course, burgers. However, the recipes of the rolls with meat or fish cakes, even if they are called the same, sometimes differ markedly. Take, for example, a cheeseburger.
In "Burger king" bun sprinkled with sesame seeds, and in "McDonald's" — no. Cheeseburgers from "Burger king" certainly will appeal more to those who plans a romantic date, since they, unlike the competitor's burgers, no onions. As for energy value, as stated on the manufacturers ' websites, cheeseburger from McDonald's contains 300 calories, and in the "sandwich" from "Burger king" — as many as 550 calories.
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War of the brands
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