Donated childhood

He said he did not remember me, because he lost his memory after surgery. But now actively trying to restore the memory. I felt so sorry for him and I began to tell him all that I remember about our childhood. And there was a lot that we are familiar with the 4 years, but soon he had to move for family reasons, and now we are adults. In general, almost half a year, we talked on the network, we live in different cities and see live did not work. I would very much like to see it changed whether matured. Thought to ask for a photo throw, but then decided that he hesitate, as in any way after many operations. So communicated. And imagine ... After a certain amount of time, I wrote the guy with the name and surname of my childhood friend! And the pictures ... it turns out all this time, I spoke with a complete stranger to me man, the namesake of my friend who could not understand it, because he has lost his memory ... I felt so bad. After all, it turns out I poured this guy is absolutely the wrong memories, another life ... What have I done?!?!
I dropped everything and went to Astana, the family of the guy. Wanted to apologize to him, his parents. They greeted me very warmly and not angry to learn that I had done. It turns out this guy has a child with a brain tumor and he was unsociable, closed, he had no friends. And the whole month we were talking he was very happy, kept repeating what he had friends in childhood and that they do not get up together. He seemed transformed, became the joke, laugh and stopped thinking about death. In short, he was the man of whom I told him, thinking that he is my friend.
- You gave him a childhood, that he had never was- said his mother.
I do not regret that it happened and now I have two friends with the same name.