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French Pastorale

My husband and two cats, and like another (cat). My husband spends his life on airplanes, and I do the housework. Fourteen years ago, we bought an old farm in the foothills, and that's only just finished in general to restore it on their own. This included pouring concrete floors, plaster walls and tiling, electricity and running water, construction of walls made of stone and drag the hands of hundreds of tons of soil and gravel. And ninety percent of the furniture in the house, too, of our production. But, however, you'll see for yourself.
Today, September 18, 2014, Thursday. Location - the hamlet with a population of thirty people in the south of France, eighty kilometers from Toulouse.
The main character - a cat Saffron breed Maine Coon, young and energetic, very affectionate and sociable. Underground nickname - FIPD.

In the morning, before the first cup of coffee, I can play the role of a zombie in a horror movie without any makeup. In the bedroom we have no gadgets but the e-reader, and alarm her husband is hiding deep in the bedside shelf. Therefore, while I check the kitchen. Usually I get up with the sun, when the light begins to break through the curtains. Now dawns near half of the eighth.

The first morning cappuccino.

And here's the sun, by the way. The weather promises to be good.

Cat Saffron already on duty, waiting to be let out for a walk. Usually, he spends the night, spread a rug in front of the door to the bedroom, and the first thing I was obliged to do in the morning - it long and hard to scratch. Otherwise, he loses faith in humanity.

Shower-brushing your teeth - and to work.

Today is Thursday, the day when perestilali bed. Do not ask why. Historically.

Then - laundry. Unload one load another folded third and download first. I do not know where does that amount of laundry. Samozarozhdaetsya?

Race with a vacuum cleaner on the first floor. These cats are very hard paws dragged all the rubbish from the garden, have to be vacuumed twice a day. With the advent of home here in the form of a vacuum cleaner broom, I realized that all my previous life was miserable stagnation in agony.

Following Shafran Elvis woke up and also wants the street. Wanting the street today, he would be fifty times, and then he will want to house the same amount, and if you do not satisfy his desire immediately - begin to scrape the claws door. Open upon request. The duties of a housewife and also includes features concierge.

Change water in vases, wipe the dust in the dining room.

Pull up and expanded in linen cabinets.

Without cheverti ten second time to drink coffee.

Completely forgot! It is necessary to pull out the trash on the street, we take the trash on Thursdays.

At the same time empties the mailbox. Today, poor catch: mostly advertising a couple of accounts and my journal.

Meanwhile, the weather suddenly deteriorates, begins to drizzle rain, and I have to change plans on the fly. I water the flowers.

Navozhu order in the attic.

Preparing the room for guests coming soon.

And I check my email.

Yes, it is necessary to show what I look like in working clothes. SELF - not my horse, and my husband today in Amsterdam, the tenth attempt came here is:

It's time to teach the cats to press the button of the camera!
Promote the perimeter, I reached the shops. There's a mess, her husband during the production of his new desktop computer, which will soon give me the final sanding and finishing. I have to clear away a few square meters and honed his gardening tools. Acute shovel - the key to successful gardening!

Then, assorted debris in the storage room (here we have yet to make cabinets and shelves) suddenly illumined the window - hurray! Housekeeping can finish, I need urgently to the garden, I have a lot of work out there today.

There's green, fresh and sunny.

Saffron is rushing me.

A couple of years ago in our village there was a joy: bad old mayor voluntarily resigned, and was replaced by a very nice man who changed the whole life of the commune. We now have plenty of social projects, including gardening for preschoolers. We once a week along with a kindergarten teacher, and with the help of my neighbor's conduct lessons outdoors: planting, watering, cherenkuem, making bouquets and paintings of flowers and leaves, and then the entire crop goes to kindergarten, where from it cook all sorts of goodies for children. And teach Russian language: hello, please, thank you, bye. Minimum necessary for survival.
Today we will have another session with the kids, I plan to put with them a couple of hundred tulips. But first it is necessary to clear the site and prepare a pit. Saffron walks around.

Already on the fiftieth pit formed blisters on his hands. I mentally curse the author of this blue stuff here, which is designed to facilitate the planting bulbs: do but guess drevyannuyu the entire length of the handle to the sides do not stick pieces of iron - weak? I am more than confident that the vast majority of developers garden tools had never held a shovel in his hand, and ground saw only on TV or in pictures in books. Remembering a bad word engineers come up with its own version of the tool. You can press foot, where there is a spring that automatically resets the land from the container, and even wi-fi and coffee. And speakers. We ought to be patented.

Saffron is trying to dig holes behind me, we have to talk to him by special educators, voice. He is offended.

Scope of work for the kids ready, I moved to another corner of the garden where you have to do weeding and pruning borders. I leave it there until the tools and go for a third cup of coffee.

On the way to see what's left to do until the fall.

This palms for 14 years, I have planted their seeds.

Already half of the first, we must hurry.

On the terrace in front of the house for dinner it gets too hot, I sit down in the shade of coffee and a cigarette.

Then very quickly end up stripping beds,

I throw in a bunch of scraps for fire

and rush home to wash and change clothes.

Nobody likes a dirty and sweaty, myself included. And the kids - especially so. They love to pants and flowered strazegi. And pink gloves. Especially the girls. Although the boys, too.
So, everything is ready, you can begin.

Of course, to two hundred and three-year-tulip none not reach, we will put a pair of tens, and then went watering previous landing: lettuce, cabbage and cuttings Gothensee that made last week.

And check the harvest of pumpkins. Leon said that he did not raise this pumpkin. He says it will take care of Vincent, that's when, together, they can take it to the kindergarten and eat. My husband sometimes joins us in the rare moments when not on missions, and malyshnya his great respect for the fact that he always gives them something interesting. Especially well the boys: they have at the sight of all wooden handicrafts inflamed eyes. The first question when they come - where the cats? And where is Vincent?

Over watering is a real struggle. I've got five, and children sometimes a couple of dozen.

About four kids go, I have a couple of hours I spend in the garden - complete with tulips and other trifles, Saffron provides technical supervision.

Summer this year has been so rainy that geraniums in large tubs I have not watered, there was no such need.

But September pleasing warm and sunny weather, and although the fall is still not in sight that can be seen for the trees, its air, it is not felt.

This view of the portion of the house from the garden. The whole house does not fit in the frame, from the garden it is not visible behind the trees, and close to the width of the lens is not enough. Stone part - the original construction, whiter than two centuries ago. Glazings - a former stable and hayloft, then we rebuilt all prakticheskip completely. In the neighboring village, we have a historical association, whose members carry out research in the archives, and then publish them in the monthly magazine published by them, there is a column dedicated to the history of the houses and their inhabitants. I hope that one day they reach the hands and up to our house, it would be interesting to know his story.

Church bells ringing in the six o'clock, it's time zakruglyatya. Here are just still have OKOS front lawn and water the flowers in the street all the containers.

Oh, Elvis went outside again!

Trying to yawn and lick at a time. Unsuccessful.

Almost seven, while Zumbi. Strength training is enough for me in the garden, but had to get aerobic jumping to the music at home and aqua once a week in a nearby town.

Then again, in the shower, and another attempt to self. No, definitely need to attract cats!

Oh, I forgot to say in between the garden and the repair I really love a tasty drink and eat, but never do this alone. So photo staging, not to spoil his reputation and gourmet alcoholic. I wonder why among the producers of sparkling wines are so many widows? The mystery of nature. Beginning and ending Ambal Clicquot. Thought.
At the same time I look through the French news on Yahoo. Now we have here just a circus with horses every day the government arranges another stupidity, French satirist unemployment is not threatened.

Again some stuff around the house, if there is in the world is something eternal - it is chaos and the struggle against it. Then, until nine at night I was sorting photos for this post, then remembered to eat something. Refrigerator miraculously empty, but there are tomatoes and the day before yesterday a friend brought the eggs from their chickens and guinea fowl. In the kitchen, we reworked everything from before, removed the old floors, stripped the walls, ceilings pereshlifovyvali and so on. Furniture authorship husband. Sink ordered from Stonebruiser I love big wash, and do not let them now, all some malomerki.

Tomatoes with us this year, the supermarket just some kryshesnosnye: sweet, nazhoristye, you can eat without anything. But I still add there a little sour cream and mustard.

Eggs of course I'll wash, do not worry!

I wanted to make fried eggs, guinea fowl eggs but with a very hard shell, unable to break them carefully.

Hunted animals in the house, otherwise the animals will be worn all night in the surrounding fields and come the next morning all wet and dirty. Animals clearly dissatisfied, wants to continue the feast.

A quarter past eleven.

Dutch husband returns. Kitty has long been sitting near the door, waiting.

Then she runs to the bathroom to brush your teeth to help me.

A couple of years ago I picked up a terrible periodontal disease, since brushing your teeth into a complex process.

Half past eleven. My husband still sitting in his office, examines the accumulated per day korrrespondentsiyu.

And I personally - to sleep. Just read a bit before going to bed, but I do not have long. Also scheduled for tomorrow a lot of cases, you should try to get up early.
It was a beautiful day, such as I like. Thanks to everyone who stayed with me until the end!

Source: nadinefrancaise.livejournal.com