Capital infrastructure is unable to cope with the increasing popularity of bicycles

Recently at the "Pushkinskaya" metro station burst into a real drama. Duty at the turnstiles flatly refused to start up on the escalator at the two extreme BMX - bicycle stunts special. Adolescents immediately found a patron. An elderly lady shouting at exasperated entire lobby, "Why do not start children with bicycles?" - And restore social justice, jostling with the guards. Another not less than middle-aged woman, on the contrary, acted on the side of duty. "And you just do not feel ashamed! - She collided rival. - What are they children? They all posshibat ". "Nedeti" silently smiled, enjoying the spectacle ...
Scene This very revealing. Rapid velosipedizatsiya all Moscow was too rapid. The tracks for the two-wheeled transport is still lacking. Cyclists prevent pedestrians and motorists, pedestrians, motorists and cyclists prevent, and this vicious circle is not broken.
Degree cycle of intolerance in Moscow, in spite of everything, is quite high. "Yes, you understand, we are not the rules themselves are writing. We, like everyone else, according to the instructions work - says the above situation on duty at "Pushkinskaya". - There she is - in each column and affixed near the turnstiles. Not allowed with bikes - so do not put! But because they do not read. " According to the said instructions, it is allowed to carry only folding bikes and children. The BMX, though small in size, but children still do not resemble.
At the ban, as they say the underground workers, a simple explanation. "Recently, one riding on the escalator with the bike - says Tamara duty. - So it managed to drop and after fallen woman. " "People often climb the platform and complain that the bottom of the roller skate or boards, sometimes on bicycles, scooters, - says Nikolay duty. - We are here to put the bikes make them, shoot videos and all that, but they go back and they put on. " "So in fact you can and on the way to drop, - warns Tamara. - I'm not talking about the fact that passengers hurt, stain »
. The only right decision, within the meaning of the subway workers, it is strict adherence to the established order of use of the underground, but even that does not guarantee success. "Russian is not to win", - assured Nicholas, referring to general legal laxity population. His colleague Tamara professes universal, humanistic values. "If you want to live a normal life, then do not bother others, - utters it, and adds: - In general, in the subway cyclists are now diminished, but the city is full of them»
. Interestingly, the simple street pedestrians welcome expansion of cycling space in Moscow, but said that more needs to be done. "I am 80 years, I do a cyclist and I fully support the development of this direction, - said Victor Pertsovsky, on a hot day leisurely strolling on Tverskoy Boulevard. - But we need a common regulatory system, which is difficult to establish. Looking bike paths along major highways, is also there to drive dangerously. But in the skate parks do not have to - here and so narrowly, walk children, pedestrians, someone can be hurt and »

Similar observations and resident of Canada does Cyrus. "Excellent, that the number of bicycles is increasing, I would gladly skated with her daughter in Moscow. - While we are talking, daughter Kira peacefully sleeping in the shade of trees. - But on the roads dangerous. Here, you must first lay a clearly marked bicycle paths, so that everyone knows their place: pedestrians, cyclists, motorists. " Thus Cyrus does not deny the right of cyclists to ride through the parks. "Yes, indeed, you can touch and even knock down, - she says. - But just all need to be careful and look around »
. But professional cyclist Alex believes that cycling in Moscow there is no future. When we met, he was sitting on a bench in the park on Tverskaya Street, helmet and sports velokostyume. Two-wheeled sports equipment Italian production stood right there, leaning on a bench. "My girlfriend broke her arm in Gorky Park, on the bike path, - said Alexei. - The track is highlighted in green, and right on it were two mothers with children eating ice cream; We thought that once painted green, so it is a kind of safe zone. Well, my friend they almost flew, ducked at the last moment and fell, and they do not even come to help get up. »
Alex is sure that it is safer to ride in traffic. However, cyclists and the roads do not favor. "People do not have elementary culture: the machines are constantly pruned, not giving way, a lot of rudeness - lamenting athlete. - When I was eleven, I went on a bike at Sheremetyevo and Krylatskoye - on the cycle track. Calmly we reach there and back. Now it is only by a very experienced person. Why, I am a child seated on a four-frame and sister drove to neighboring yards. Now I have decided on is not even
helmet. " "Only in 2013, there was a 4688 accident in the country with the participation of cyclists, - quoted the CEO of a center of expertise" Movement without danger "Vadim Melnikov. - The main causes of accidents: negligence in traffic, the lack of high-quality and low veloinfrastruktury road culture »
. According to Melnikov, the volume of sales of bicycles in the same 2013, twice the level of 2009, and in the next five years velorynok will only grow. "Transplanting behind the wheel of a bicycle, the man faces a number of challenges - lists the expert. - Firstly, the poor equipment of streets in the city bike path. Secondly, roadside densely crowded car, the opportunity to ride on it is not as such. In the roadway at risk to go a few - traffic in the city vibrant, the number of vehicles on the road scares cyclists. Remain footpaths. But then the cyclists faced with heavy flow of people and deliver them
discomfort. " Second person "MK" to pedestrians, Vadim Melnikov sees the solution to the problems in the reorganization of cycling in Moscow. "It is necessary to discuss the question of reducing the speed on the streets, where there is a bike route that cyclists are not scared" furious "cars speed - offers expert. - An excellent option is the construction of special tracks and trails. At the same time increase the number of designated areas (bike paths) will free pedestrian zone of the two-wheeled transport. »
"I'm not sure that the bike can replace other means of transport in Moscow - confessed expert. - Still, we have a special climate, great distances. But I hope, over time, the bike is a good alternative and successfully fit into the urban environment. »
By the way, are allowed to carry bicycles in the metro city authorities do not intend to ...
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