Tips useful and easy way

1. If you are speaking at the presentation, always have on hand a bottle of water. And if you forget what you need to say, take a sip. No one will notice your stupor, and you will have a little more time to think a thought.
2. Do not find a sales assistant in the shop? Stand in front of the most expensive TV, computer or other thing and look at the price. Someone immediately suitable. :)
3. If you suspect that your machine for someone watching, do four turns in the same direction. Thus, you will return to its original location, and if the car is still behind you, so you were right.
4.Nadente on the blue handle red cap. Nobody steals red pen!
5. If you ever're caught over the humiliating occupation, tell them you lost the argument.
6. In the stores, the cheapest goods are above and below the line of sight.
7.Tratite too much time on social networks? Take advantage of special extensions for browsers.
8.Shest portions of water, one serving of corn syrup and two portions of liquid soap will help to create nelopayuschiesya bubbles!
9. The light from the infrared lights on the console can not be seen with the naked eye. However, it can be seen through a camera phone. Therefore, if the remote stops working, you can verify that he is dead or broken.

10. When buying strawberries, smell it. If it is strong and pleasant aroma, then it will be very tasty. If it looks good superficially, but no smell, better to refrain from buying.
11. When buying oranges and grapefruits, pay attention to the weight of the fruit. No matter what his size - the heavier the fruit, so it is juicier and tastier.
12.Potratte 15 minutes before bedtime and write a plan for tomorrow. Waking up the next day, try to stick with it.
13.Vy can download to your computer all the "Wikipedia". File size is only 40 GB, and you can read it without Internet access.

14. How to pour the juice and milk from Tetrapak:

15.Dostante his phone out of his pocket and remove the three-second video that is near you. Repeating this trick every day, at the end of the year you will get a 18-minute video about what happened to you the whole year.
16.When writing emails leave the "To" field blank until the last moment. So you can save yourself from accidentally sending emails.
17.Sluchayno Send a message to the wrong person? Immediately turn on the "Airplane." After sending causes a crash, you can remove it.
18.Chtoby not forget a thing when leaving the house, put it in a shoe!
19.Kladite their shirts in the closet vertically. Because they take up less space, and it will be easier to find the right.
20. If you feel that something is in your eye, look down, eyes wide open and begin to blink.
21.Pri acquaintance with the man repeat his name, so you reduce the chance that you forget it.
"Hi, my name is Sasha.
- Oh, Sasha, nice to meet you! »
22.Sozdayte his little child mailbox and throws to interesting pictures of his life. On his eighteenth birthday he tell the login and password of the mailbox. It will be very interesting to see what it was. :)
23.Nazhimaya keys from 1 to 9 when viewing video on YouTube, you will move to 10, 20, 30, 40% ... forward.
24.Bely text with black edging perfectly readable on any background.
25.Vsegda keep a notebook with a pen.
26.Esli you make pastries and forgot to buy eggs, you can replace them with bananas. 1 egg = half a banana.
27.Esli you need to very quickly charge the phone, put it in airplane mode. Thus you will reduce the charging time is almost twice.
28.Sdelayte small nodule on one of the headphone to never confuse left with right.
29. Learn to meditate, there's no magic.
30. 15 minutes of laughter affect health as well as 30 minutes of sit-ups.
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