Moto Hint: smart portable headset from Motorola

Company Google Motorola, except for widely publicized new products like Moto Hint , launched another device, and quite remarkable. It is an intelligent wireless headphones, with which you can control the connected smartphone.
Earphone itself is really very small, but its capabilities are extensive. The functionality of the device is disclosed after the owner of the earphone connects to your phone by Bluetooth, and inserts into the ear. Headset automatically activated (it is equipped with an infrared sensor), and begins to "listen" to the user, as well as to receive incoming calls.
Management Moto Hint
No function keys do not have only used the touch pad device. As already mentioned, the headset is turned on immediately after the owner puts his ear, and off after the Moto Hint removed.
It is worth noting that the developers have provided the ability to automatically redirect the conversation with the headset (if removed) on a smart phone, to avoid interrupting the conversation. If the user is listening to music (although listening to music with a headset - a dubious pleasure), the playback will be paused.
Manage your smartphone using the Moto Hint
So much for the control by earphone. But, as mentioned above, with the help of this headset can also be controlled by a smartphone. At the same time work with the smartphone begins with the phrase "OK, Moto" (analogue immediately comes to mind, right?).
After this phrase can begin work - for example, dictate a message or phone call to ask for a specific person. In general, special novelty in such a control method is not, in fact almost any modern phone can carry voice commands.
But the developers claim that their system is the most-most, most sensitive, most accurate, etc. Well, believe in the word.
Moto Hint Headset is compatible with any device, not only with Motorola, it can not but rejoice. When connected to the iPhone user will already help Siri.
Actually, everything in the photo is clearly seen - teardrop shape of the device good for insertion into the ear of a person and prevent the device is unlikely to be.

For lovers of unusual things at once the company produces six varieties Moto Hint - with wood, leather and metal inserts. Stylish and beautiful, yes.

Supplied earphone in the case, which is also the charging station.

Wired connection to the charging is not required in the case provided for pad, which is aligned with the contacts earpiece, followed by a battery charge.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/medgadgets/blog/236175/