Google creates a quantum processor
The original layout of 5 cruciate kubitov- TransMONEE (Xmons) in a row i>
Quantum division Google (Department of Quantum AI), created last year, has announced its inclusion in the group of physicists from the University of California, Santa Barbara, have recently developed a very promising design quantum processors.
"With the participation of hardware developers from the University of California, we are now able to implement in hardware and test new schemes of quantum optimization and quantum logic, based on recent theoretical discoveries in this field, as well as on our experience with the use of a quantum computer architecture, D-Wave», - said in message on the page Quantum AI in a social network.
Google will continue to work with NASA experiments with the architecture of D-Wave, but is going to try and новые quantum processors , who invented the University of California. Their design provides, inter alia, a new layout-TransMONEE qubits.
The control signals all 5 qubits i>
Physicists at the University of California at Santa Barbara announced the development of a new architecture in April 2014. Architecture with elements of the five krestoobrazyh superconducting TransMONEE in a row is simple and reliable. The number of errors does not exceed 1%, and if we reduce this figure by another order, the architecture can be used in commercial products.
A group led by University of California professor John Martins, one of the world's best experts in superconducting qubits. By the way, last year he gave a lecture on Google about their research (see. Video).
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/235561/
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