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tiny eight-legged mites live permanently on the face, say scientists. New research has shown that the mites are invisible to the naked eye, are present in 100% of people who took part in the testing.
Demodex, it is the name of a microscopic mite that lives in the hair follicles and is powered allocated scalp fat.
Human faces are home to two species of ticks - Demodex folliculorum and Demodex Brevis, which are not close relatives, as one might assume. "They, in fact, very cute - Thommesen said Megan, a graduate student of the State University of North Carolina. With their eight legs, they almost float in the skin-generated fat. " At the same time, Megan said ticks positive thing.
"They are friends who are with you all the time" - she said. Due to the fact that the demodex every person, they apparently do not cause any problems, which is very encouraging. In tests the DNA of 29 people over 18 years, that is, 100% of the volunteers who participated in the study, it was discovered DNA demodex, writes in the latest issue Mail Online. According Thommesen, retest with a large number of participants also gave 100% result. Scientists do not know exactly how to apply these mites. According to one version, they are passed from mother to child during breastfeeding. It is noteworthy that children and adolescents are less common demodex. Ticks probably crawling over the faces of people at night when it is dark, the researchers note.
Demodex lives with a man has for a very long time. It is likely that from the time the first humans emerged from Africa and dispersed around the world, says Michel Trautveyn, associate professor of entomology at North Carolina State. Now, researchers expect to find out whether it is possible, using DNA demodex, to track the evolutionary history of humanity, tracing ancient human migration path.
Source: fedpost.ru/sobytiya/46039-obnaruzheno-chto-kazhduyu-noch-po-licu-cheloveka-polzayut.html