Surprise Woman
If you suddenly realize that your life is no more important task than to surprise the one that is next to you, you should not be trite and buy her flowers or invite a weekend in Paris.
There are simple and true means to surprise your soul mate.
1. In passing inserts into his speech phrases that make her believe that you are not so simple. For example. "During my work on the seventh Violin Concerto ..." "There are big losses, our race did not carry from the time of Ivan the Terrible ...", "... and then, count, comes my butler ..." "Just before to take part in six-day bicycle marathon ... »
2. vozi Sibelius CD in the car, "Rammstein" Choir. G. Ropes, Ani Lorak and the song from the animated film "Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka." I asked a girl what it is, you say, that's all - your favorite music.
3. Going to a club or a party, pocketed some small fluffy crap eyes. Finding an attractive young lady present this with the words: "But he really wants to meet you." Saying "no" plush rabbit can only completely heartless woman with no sense of humor, and you're so and so such person to anything.
4. In the restaurant, ask the waiter if they had served Potage poireaux et rommes de terre and Salad d'Endives Noix et Roquefort? Especially suddenly it sounds in any toshnilovke Chinese or Armenian cuisine
5. explained only hexameter. "What are you doing this evening, a friend of mine, Tell me? // If there is free, so maybe we go to a bar? // Honor dnyne this has not courted me miserable ... »
6. refuses to go to the movies "Children up to 18 years." Embarrassed to admit that you're only 17.
7. Ask for it somehow, "Who we now have a president?" When she looks at you in amazement, answer who shook his head and say, "Oh wow, what a funny surname!»
8. Show her your X-rays. Along the way, explains: "Here I am 10 years old," or "That I exhaust».
9. Tell her never watched "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!". And the "17 Moments of Spring" - too.
10. Give her the name of something. If the star does not work, then at least the file that you are currently working in Word'e, and be sure to tell her about it.
11. If it is trying to maintain a conversation on topics of interest to men, ask for what football club you support, the answer is that in the Ugandan "Villa».
12. Give her beat you at arm wrestling, and asked to sign on a dark corner.
13. Bind up her eyes, and take by the hand and lead for a long time on the Putao route. At the end of the road, when she will not wait, stop and allow her to remove the bandage. One minute before the same to fasten itself on glazha handkerchief. To the question "Where are we?" Spreading his hands, "I do not know, I do not see where we were going».
14. Four o'clock in the morning - this is the best time to call his girlfriend and read her wonderful poem Gumilev about Lake Chad, which is haunting mysterious giraffe. After completing recitation, turn off the phone until the morning.
15. If you're waiting for her visit, she finds let you for your favorite pastime - drafting of ikebana, clay modeling, engraving, or an attempt to breathe life into the homunculus created by you.
16. In the restaurant, after you've eaten, he take away the dishes and wash it. Explain the act of the old bachelor habits.
17. For the first time zazvat her to her house in the evening, overnight lose with it in World of Tanks.
18.Obedaya restaurant, laid out on a plate of the remaining pieces of her name.
19. Every day, she went on writing. No emails! Write on paper. Quill pen. But without the "yat" and "Izhitsa».
20. When she first tries to kiss you yourself, turn away and say, "Oh, I know you women, you all should be only one!»
21. Treat her just you.
22. The texts come to life hits. For example, sell your house, sell paintings and shelter and all the money buy a sea of flowers. Songwriter not bad advice.
23. Measure tailoring its meter from head to toe. Record all sizes. Does not explain why you did it. An enigmatic smile.
24. arrange a romantic dinner, a rash in her glass of a harmless powder and forced to drink, saying that this love potion, after which your love will become even stronger.
25. Come up with her various interesting nicknames. For example, Kuzka, Bethany or Struwwelpeter.
26. Going to visit her, call and ask, not whether to buy it on the road? After hearing about the bread, milk and sugar, buy octopus, seeds and champagne.
27. In general, more likely to use by the courier. Especially the one in which parcels spread such special people wearing giant pink rabbits.
28. Cut out her name and his penknife on a concrete pillar.
29. Sudden gifts - a rare weapon effectiveness. Maybe she does not need and the gift this festive set for hara-kiri that she suddenly handed on a plate podgovorenny you waiter, but it will still be pleasantly surprised.
30. Tell her you're a virgin. Well, that is already twice divorced? It was a purely spiritual relationship type.
31. Show her notarized will in which she gets all your movable and immovable property.
32. Draw a portrait of her. I do as best you can. You can even ballpoint pen on a piece of paper from a notebook checkered. Home - inserts the product in a gold frame with a thread. Came to her place of work-study with the messenger.
33. Should it be silent for a few seconds, immediately asked: "What are you thinking? I really wonder. Last minute you seem so detached ... »
34. By setting a date, select a place with love and care. For example worked well Museum of Paleontology, exhibition of pigs, the regional competition reciter, metallurgical plant at the plant from a friend.
35. Buy her a "Lamborghini Diablo" pink.
36. Think of some special place where you will always be to kiss her at the meeting. Place it is desirable to select such, access to which is not hampered variety of garments, well and good to you at the same time has not taken to the police for offending public morality. For example, in the neck at the nape of the neck. Or in the wrist.
37. Call her in the middle of the day to persuade to give up and to meet urgently, as you have to show her something extremely important! Make an appointment at the entrance to the zoo, grabbed the girl by the hand and did not answer questions, make to reach the cells with raccoon. Stop. Show raccoon finger. Shout, "Is not he cute ?! I could not leave here without showing it to you! »
38. Learn to walk on his hands. In women, it works great, turns their view of the world. Especially works well if the quarrels, when she begins to bite, get up on his hands, pacing the room and grimly silent. To ferocious look into your shameless eyes, she would have to sit on the floor, and this in itself is a calming effect.
39. Equip the car engine fast layout of the front passenger seat. Button, including an interesting and useful device annexe closer. Particularly impressive is it to click somewhere on a sharp turn at a speed of 130-140 km / h.
40. Pretend that you think her mom passionate collector of all sorts of dubious anecdotes. Always keep in stock a couple of fresh that at a meeting with the parent to exclaim: "No, Anna Ivanovna, with all your experience of this fact, I bet you have not heard!»
41. Regularly congratulate her on professional holidays: dairy industry workers, miners, actors, watchmen, as well as with the International day of protection of childhood, old age and of spawning whales. At the same time forget about the eighth of March and the New Year.
42. consult with her on the most trivial matters. "Do you think I'd better stir sugar clockwise or counterclockwise?" "But it's nothing that I put slippers socks to bed?". At the same time, do not ask the Board to more global things: the decision to repaint her car in orange, inviting your friends to the birthday of her mother and purchase turputevku for two in winter Mongolia.
43. periodically ask her questions that make you think. For example, "Why is the number Pi never ends?", "How do you think we are alone in the universe?", "Why is the water falls from the top down, not the other way around?". It is important that these issues be heard spontaneously. For example, two minutes before her orgasm.
44. The morning brings her bed with a cup of coffee standing on the kitchen table.
45. Suggest a girl to marry you, then do not come to the wedding. It can turn a lot of fun.
46. invited her to create a new language that we could understand just the two of you. Start mumbling gibberish, without waiting for the consent.
47. A major voice tell her somehow, one wonders about the sex change. For inquiries do not answer, closed, leave a.
48. Speak in a dream in a foreign language. For example, in Hindi or Estonian.
49. Sbrey her eyebrows.
There are simple and true means to surprise your soul mate.

1. In passing inserts into his speech phrases that make her believe that you are not so simple. For example. "During my work on the seventh Violin Concerto ..." "There are big losses, our race did not carry from the time of Ivan the Terrible ...", "... and then, count, comes my butler ..." "Just before to take part in six-day bicycle marathon ... »
2. vozi Sibelius CD in the car, "Rammstein" Choir. G. Ropes, Ani Lorak and the song from the animated film "Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka." I asked a girl what it is, you say, that's all - your favorite music.
3. Going to a club or a party, pocketed some small fluffy crap eyes. Finding an attractive young lady present this with the words: "But he really wants to meet you." Saying "no" plush rabbit can only completely heartless woman with no sense of humor, and you're so and so such person to anything.
4. In the restaurant, ask the waiter if they had served Potage poireaux et rommes de terre and Salad d'Endives Noix et Roquefort? Especially suddenly it sounds in any toshnilovke Chinese or Armenian cuisine
5. explained only hexameter. "What are you doing this evening, a friend of mine, Tell me? // If there is free, so maybe we go to a bar? // Honor dnyne this has not courted me miserable ... »
6. refuses to go to the movies "Children up to 18 years." Embarrassed to admit that you're only 17.
7. Ask for it somehow, "Who we now have a president?" When she looks at you in amazement, answer who shook his head and say, "Oh wow, what a funny surname!»
8. Show her your X-rays. Along the way, explains: "Here I am 10 years old," or "That I exhaust».
9. Tell her never watched "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!". And the "17 Moments of Spring" - too.
10. Give her the name of something. If the star does not work, then at least the file that you are currently working in Word'e, and be sure to tell her about it.
11. If it is trying to maintain a conversation on topics of interest to men, ask for what football club you support, the answer is that in the Ugandan "Villa».
12. Give her beat you at arm wrestling, and asked to sign on a dark corner.
13. Bind up her eyes, and take by the hand and lead for a long time on the Putao route. At the end of the road, when she will not wait, stop and allow her to remove the bandage. One minute before the same to fasten itself on glazha handkerchief. To the question "Where are we?" Spreading his hands, "I do not know, I do not see where we were going».
14. Four o'clock in the morning - this is the best time to call his girlfriend and read her wonderful poem Gumilev about Lake Chad, which is haunting mysterious giraffe. After completing recitation, turn off the phone until the morning.
15. If you're waiting for her visit, she finds let you for your favorite pastime - drafting of ikebana, clay modeling, engraving, or an attempt to breathe life into the homunculus created by you.
16. In the restaurant, after you've eaten, he take away the dishes and wash it. Explain the act of the old bachelor habits.
17. For the first time zazvat her to her house in the evening, overnight lose with it in World of Tanks.
18.Obedaya restaurant, laid out on a plate of the remaining pieces of her name.
19. Every day, she went on writing. No emails! Write on paper. Quill pen. But without the "yat" and "Izhitsa».
20. When she first tries to kiss you yourself, turn away and say, "Oh, I know you women, you all should be only one!»
21. Treat her just you.
22. The texts come to life hits. For example, sell your house, sell paintings and shelter and all the money buy a sea of flowers. Songwriter not bad advice.
23. Measure tailoring its meter from head to toe. Record all sizes. Does not explain why you did it. An enigmatic smile.
24. arrange a romantic dinner, a rash in her glass of a harmless powder and forced to drink, saying that this love potion, after which your love will become even stronger.
25. Come up with her various interesting nicknames. For example, Kuzka, Bethany or Struwwelpeter.
26. Going to visit her, call and ask, not whether to buy it on the road? After hearing about the bread, milk and sugar, buy octopus, seeds and champagne.
27. In general, more likely to use by the courier. Especially the one in which parcels spread such special people wearing giant pink rabbits.
28. Cut out her name and his penknife on a concrete pillar.
29. Sudden gifts - a rare weapon effectiveness. Maybe she does not need and the gift this festive set for hara-kiri that she suddenly handed on a plate podgovorenny you waiter, but it will still be pleasantly surprised.
30. Tell her you're a virgin. Well, that is already twice divorced? It was a purely spiritual relationship type.
31. Show her notarized will in which she gets all your movable and immovable property.
32. Draw a portrait of her. I do as best you can. You can even ballpoint pen on a piece of paper from a notebook checkered. Home - inserts the product in a gold frame with a thread. Came to her place of work-study with the messenger.
33. Should it be silent for a few seconds, immediately asked: "What are you thinking? I really wonder. Last minute you seem so detached ... »
34. By setting a date, select a place with love and care. For example worked well Museum of Paleontology, exhibition of pigs, the regional competition reciter, metallurgical plant at the plant from a friend.
35. Buy her a "Lamborghini Diablo" pink.
36. Think of some special place where you will always be to kiss her at the meeting. Place it is desirable to select such, access to which is not hampered variety of garments, well and good to you at the same time has not taken to the police for offending public morality. For example, in the neck at the nape of the neck. Or in the wrist.
37. Call her in the middle of the day to persuade to give up and to meet urgently, as you have to show her something extremely important! Make an appointment at the entrance to the zoo, grabbed the girl by the hand and did not answer questions, make to reach the cells with raccoon. Stop. Show raccoon finger. Shout, "Is not he cute ?! I could not leave here without showing it to you! »
38. Learn to walk on his hands. In women, it works great, turns their view of the world. Especially works well if the quarrels, when she begins to bite, get up on his hands, pacing the room and grimly silent. To ferocious look into your shameless eyes, she would have to sit on the floor, and this in itself is a calming effect.
39. Equip the car engine fast layout of the front passenger seat. Button, including an interesting and useful device annexe closer. Particularly impressive is it to click somewhere on a sharp turn at a speed of 130-140 km / h.
40. Pretend that you think her mom passionate collector of all sorts of dubious anecdotes. Always keep in stock a couple of fresh that at a meeting with the parent to exclaim: "No, Anna Ivanovna, with all your experience of this fact, I bet you have not heard!»
41. Regularly congratulate her on professional holidays: dairy industry workers, miners, actors, watchmen, as well as with the International day of protection of childhood, old age and of spawning whales. At the same time forget about the eighth of March and the New Year.
42. consult with her on the most trivial matters. "Do you think I'd better stir sugar clockwise or counterclockwise?" "But it's nothing that I put slippers socks to bed?". At the same time, do not ask the Board to more global things: the decision to repaint her car in orange, inviting your friends to the birthday of her mother and purchase turputevku for two in winter Mongolia.
43. periodically ask her questions that make you think. For example, "Why is the number Pi never ends?", "How do you think we are alone in the universe?", "Why is the water falls from the top down, not the other way around?". It is important that these issues be heard spontaneously. For example, two minutes before her orgasm.
44. The morning brings her bed with a cup of coffee standing on the kitchen table.
45. Suggest a girl to marry you, then do not come to the wedding. It can turn a lot of fun.
46. invited her to create a new language that we could understand just the two of you. Start mumbling gibberish, without waiting for the consent.
47. A major voice tell her somehow, one wonders about the sex change. For inquiries do not answer, closed, leave a.
48. Speak in a dream in a foreign language. For example, in Hindi or Estonian.
49. Sbrey her eyebrows.