Russian anomalies
The inhabitants of modern cities is difficult to understand the faith of our ancestors in every evil spirit, but in the vast expanses of our country there are many mysterious places, which will make a visit to think about the supernatural even the most hardened skeptics.
Dyatlov Pass (Mountain of the Dead)
When a student of the 5th year of the radio department Ivan Woodpeckers in the distant 1959 leadership took a small expedition to lift up the mountain Holat-Sjahyl, he could not have imagined that soon he and his team will have to ensure fairness bitter unofficial name of this object, this local residents - Mountain of the Dead. The night of 1 February 2, proved fatal: the darkness overtook the children on the slope, where they stopped to rest. It is not known exactly what happened on that fateful night, but no one managed to survive. Broken head, lots of broken ribs, torn from one of the girls language - and with almost complete absence of bruises and abrasions on their bodies. Gray hair on their heads still very young boys and girls - like direct evidence of incredible horror with which they had to meet. The tragedy caused a resonance among the public, and a few years ago, a famous Hollywood director Renny Harlin even took of her full-length feature film. I should add that this place is cursed, and to this day, three aircraft collapsed and killed several groups of tourists convincingly testify to this.
Medveditskaya ridge
Under Medveditskaya ridge realize an impressive network of hills in the Volgograd region, the height of which varies from 250 meters. Locals often call in excitedly told reporters here about the incredible race of people, snakes that live in tunnels that are just below the ridge at a depth of 8-20 meters. From time to time on the Earth's surface are pulled out the keys of unknown origin, and very often they are radioactive in nature. But neither this nor even among researchers who walk hypothesis about the UFO bases in the very tunnel is the main attraction of the mysterious ridges. Most of all, this place is famous for its amazing attraction just an incredible amount of lightning, as if set out to substitute questioned all known saying that lightning twice in the same tree does not fall. Charred stumps and partially or completely burned trees - a familiar sight for the harsh Medveditskaya ridge.
Ferris Cemetery
In 1908, the largest Earth met on human memory messenger from space - the legendary meteorite made a daring drop near Stony Tunguska River. A 400 kilometers from the fall of the meteorite in Kezhemsk District of Krasnoyarsk Territory, formed the so-called Devil's Cemetery - huge fields with a hole in the heart. The relationship between these two phenomena uninitiated person seems stretched, but researchers know the talk: Ferris cemetery could be formed due to the fall of the meteorite and the emergence of magnetically subsequently strong alternating magnetic field. Magazine "Technology - Youth" gave a major boost for the study of the phenomenon of its shocking publication 1983, informing the world about the terrible discovery of local farmers - a nondescript clearing has become a graveyard of wild animals. Glade instantly sucked the life energy from any living being to set foot on its area. In front of astonished collective farmers in just a few minutes, dry them young dog, and after many research expeditions are missing in this dark area. However, supporters of adventure tourism regularly make pilgrimages to this cursed place. As we are assured by experienced guides, broken closer than a kilometer from the danger zone camp could deprive you of life. Draw your own conclusions!
Lake Labynkyr
Getting to this acclaimed Lake in eastern Yakutia - is like to climb Mount Everest. But if the conquest of the famous mountain peak means your personal success, in the case of the enchanted lake, you run the risk of becoming a victim of an unknown monster, which has been ten years dwelling in his troubled waters. Yakut features - such nickname was this huge monster, from time to time fishermen and bathers frightening his burning eyes and giant-sized body. The exploits labynkyrskogo "feature" steeped in legend, in the veracity of some of them is even harder to believe than that the world champion in football in 2018 will be Russia. However, nowhere legends do not occur, and if we ignore the obvious hyperbole with the size, it is not surprising that at the end of the world lost a longtime colleague of the Loch Ness monster. Maybe the devil went down to the bottom of the lake Labynkyr and waiting in the wings?
Lake Pleshcheyevo
In the Yaroslavl region, there is another anomalous lake, which is known primarily his supernatural atmosphere and unsinkable Hsin-stone - a huge boulder, which is able to magically move in space. No matter how stoked his adherents of the Orthodox Church in the well, but the stone was chosen on the hard surface. In pagan times the Blue Stone worshiped by locals and made sacrifices. And on the shores of the stone was not accidental - it traces the attempts of the same believers to deal with a vestige of the pagan era. As you can see, sink Xin-Stone failed and he stubbornly emblazoned on the shores of Lake Pleshcheeva. Can not assert clearly, but, perhaps, stone and produces a massive amount of all those supernatural phenomena that gossiped the local community: the mysterious mists, which tend to take shape and move aside sinister figures in front of people, as if inviting them to pass through a makeshift corridor . If you still dare and say "yes" to these dark forces, you have the chance to watch amazing vision. And not much surprised if this walk takes you a few days: there are cases when people were dissolved in these Plescheevskaya mists and emerges in another place, a few tens of kilometers away. A family in this time of search expeditions fitted out for the salvation especially curious - not surprising, as has already been a few days.

Dyatlov Pass (Mountain of the Dead)

When a student of the 5th year of the radio department Ivan Woodpeckers in the distant 1959 leadership took a small expedition to lift up the mountain Holat-Sjahyl, he could not have imagined that soon he and his team will have to ensure fairness bitter unofficial name of this object, this local residents - Mountain of the Dead. The night of 1 February 2, proved fatal: the darkness overtook the children on the slope, where they stopped to rest. It is not known exactly what happened on that fateful night, but no one managed to survive. Broken head, lots of broken ribs, torn from one of the girls language - and with almost complete absence of bruises and abrasions on their bodies. Gray hair on their heads still very young boys and girls - like direct evidence of incredible horror with which they had to meet. The tragedy caused a resonance among the public, and a few years ago, a famous Hollywood director Renny Harlin even took of her full-length feature film. I should add that this place is cursed, and to this day, three aircraft collapsed and killed several groups of tourists convincingly testify to this.
Medveditskaya ridge

Under Medveditskaya ridge realize an impressive network of hills in the Volgograd region, the height of which varies from 250 meters. Locals often call in excitedly told reporters here about the incredible race of people, snakes that live in tunnels that are just below the ridge at a depth of 8-20 meters. From time to time on the Earth's surface are pulled out the keys of unknown origin, and very often they are radioactive in nature. But neither this nor even among researchers who walk hypothesis about the UFO bases in the very tunnel is the main attraction of the mysterious ridges. Most of all, this place is famous for its amazing attraction just an incredible amount of lightning, as if set out to substitute questioned all known saying that lightning twice in the same tree does not fall. Charred stumps and partially or completely burned trees - a familiar sight for the harsh Medveditskaya ridge.
Ferris Cemetery

In 1908, the largest Earth met on human memory messenger from space - the legendary meteorite made a daring drop near Stony Tunguska River. A 400 kilometers from the fall of the meteorite in Kezhemsk District of Krasnoyarsk Territory, formed the so-called Devil's Cemetery - huge fields with a hole in the heart. The relationship between these two phenomena uninitiated person seems stretched, but researchers know the talk: Ferris cemetery could be formed due to the fall of the meteorite and the emergence of magnetically subsequently strong alternating magnetic field. Magazine "Technology - Youth" gave a major boost for the study of the phenomenon of its shocking publication 1983, informing the world about the terrible discovery of local farmers - a nondescript clearing has become a graveyard of wild animals. Glade instantly sucked the life energy from any living being to set foot on its area. In front of astonished collective farmers in just a few minutes, dry them young dog, and after many research expeditions are missing in this dark area. However, supporters of adventure tourism regularly make pilgrimages to this cursed place. As we are assured by experienced guides, broken closer than a kilometer from the danger zone camp could deprive you of life. Draw your own conclusions!
Lake Labynkyr

Getting to this acclaimed Lake in eastern Yakutia - is like to climb Mount Everest. But if the conquest of the famous mountain peak means your personal success, in the case of the enchanted lake, you run the risk of becoming a victim of an unknown monster, which has been ten years dwelling in his troubled waters. Yakut features - such nickname was this huge monster, from time to time fishermen and bathers frightening his burning eyes and giant-sized body. The exploits labynkyrskogo "feature" steeped in legend, in the veracity of some of them is even harder to believe than that the world champion in football in 2018 will be Russia. However, nowhere legends do not occur, and if we ignore the obvious hyperbole with the size, it is not surprising that at the end of the world lost a longtime colleague of the Loch Ness monster. Maybe the devil went down to the bottom of the lake Labynkyr and waiting in the wings?
Lake Pleshcheyevo

In the Yaroslavl region, there is another anomalous lake, which is known primarily his supernatural atmosphere and unsinkable Hsin-stone - a huge boulder, which is able to magically move in space. No matter how stoked his adherents of the Orthodox Church in the well, but the stone was chosen on the hard surface. In pagan times the Blue Stone worshiped by locals and made sacrifices. And on the shores of the stone was not accidental - it traces the attempts of the same believers to deal with a vestige of the pagan era. As you can see, sink Xin-Stone failed and he stubbornly emblazoned on the shores of Lake Pleshcheeva. Can not assert clearly, but, perhaps, stone and produces a massive amount of all those supernatural phenomena that gossiped the local community: the mysterious mists, which tend to take shape and move aside sinister figures in front of people, as if inviting them to pass through a makeshift corridor . If you still dare and say "yes" to these dark forces, you have the chance to watch amazing vision. And not much surprised if this walk takes you a few days: there are cases when people were dissolved in these Plescheevskaya mists and emerges in another place, a few tens of kilometers away. A family in this time of search expeditions fitted out for the salvation especially curious - not surprising, as has already been a few days.