Ararat anomaly
This anomaly is the formation of a strange shape, located at an altitude of 4725 m above sea level and has approximately 183 m in length. The history of "anomalies Ararat" has more than one century. However, solve the mystery of the anomaly has not yet been able to.
(3 pics + text)
There are currently three major versions of explaining its origin: it can be a geological formation, glacier, or the remains of Noah's Ark ....
Who is Noah
Noi - a descendant of Adam in the ninth lap. He built the ark at the age of 600 years - for the salvation of the living creatures of the flood on the advice of the Lord God. Every creature took a pair. On the ark loaded eight people - Noah and his wife, his sons Ham, Shem, and Japheth and their wives. Been there about 200 days. Adheres to the "mountains of Ararat", lived in the ark is still 365 days until the water was not asleep.
About Great Flood and Noah's Ark, rescued from certain death the main representatives of terrestrial fauna, according to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and the main source of information is the book of Genesis. In the same book of Genesis, Noah's ark rested in the mountainous region of the ancient kingdom of Urartu, distorted whose name came to us in the form of the word "Ararat".
Biblical texts and historical evidence about the huge flood in the past (perhaps true that flooded were only some regions - in particular the Gulf region) do not give rest to scientists, but the main thing - to enthusiasts worldwide. The number of expeditions in search of curb Noah's Ark, has long exceeded one hundred, but who want to try their luck does not become smaller. Fuel to the fire pour the scattered testimonies, some of climbers on Ararat seen from afar (but "could not get close"), something like a large man-made object.
Among the locals long ago are legends about the huge old ship on the top of the mountain. The writer Charles Berlitz in his book "The Lost Ship of Noah," a testimony of Armenian George Hagopyana.
He said that in 1905, when an 8-year old boy, he climbed Mount Ararat with her grandfather. I found the ark and went inside. On the upper deck superstructure seen from the many windows. The body of the ark was a huge and hard as stone.
In 1939, the American magazine "New Eden", an interview with a former pilot of the tsarist army lieutenant Roskovitsky who allegedly found the Ark in 1916 during a reconnaissance mission.
He reported to the king. Nicholas II sent an expedition - 150 people. For two weeks they reached the ark. According Roskovitsky, the ship was like a giant barge on the wagon at the same time. Inside was plenty of room - large and small. Moreover, little had been tightened metal grid.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1250168985 [/ mergetime]
Images from satellites.
But first more or less significant evidence of the existence of an unknown object on top of the mountain find pictures taken by American pilots in 1949. A few years later, the snow-covered something like a ship made out of their Turkish colleagues. Then anomaly photographed twice: in 1973 it made a US spy satellite Keyhole-9, in 1976, another reconnaissance satellite Keyhole-11. Employees of the CIA engaged in the processing of satellite imagery in the seventies, found it difficult to interpret the data obtained. Porcher Taylor, while working for the CIA, said that the painting was quite unexpected. Clarify exactly what it was, he did not, because the materials collected Keyhole-9 and Keyhole-11, are still secret. In 1999 and 2000, the unit received the photos of Ararat IKONOS, owned by Space Imaging.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1250169084 [/ mergetime]
Even like the truth wanted to share slippers do not throw my first topic on the PL-e
(3 pics + text)
There are currently three major versions of explaining its origin: it can be a geological formation, glacier, or the remains of Noah's Ark ....
Who is Noah
Noi - a descendant of Adam in the ninth lap. He built the ark at the age of 600 years - for the salvation of the living creatures of the flood on the advice of the Lord God. Every creature took a pair. On the ark loaded eight people - Noah and his wife, his sons Ham, Shem, and Japheth and their wives. Been there about 200 days. Adheres to the "mountains of Ararat", lived in the ark is still 365 days until the water was not asleep.
About Great Flood and Noah's Ark, rescued from certain death the main representatives of terrestrial fauna, according to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and the main source of information is the book of Genesis. In the same book of Genesis, Noah's ark rested in the mountainous region of the ancient kingdom of Urartu, distorted whose name came to us in the form of the word "Ararat".
Biblical texts and historical evidence about the huge flood in the past (perhaps true that flooded were only some regions - in particular the Gulf region) do not give rest to scientists, but the main thing - to enthusiasts worldwide. The number of expeditions in search of curb Noah's Ark, has long exceeded one hundred, but who want to try their luck does not become smaller. Fuel to the fire pour the scattered testimonies, some of climbers on Ararat seen from afar (but "could not get close"), something like a large man-made object.
Among the locals long ago are legends about the huge old ship on the top of the mountain. The writer Charles Berlitz in his book "The Lost Ship of Noah," a testimony of Armenian George Hagopyana.
He said that in 1905, when an 8-year old boy, he climbed Mount Ararat with her grandfather. I found the ark and went inside. On the upper deck superstructure seen from the many windows. The body of the ark was a huge and hard as stone.
In 1939, the American magazine "New Eden", an interview with a former pilot of the tsarist army lieutenant Roskovitsky who allegedly found the Ark in 1916 during a reconnaissance mission.
He reported to the king. Nicholas II sent an expedition - 150 people. For two weeks they reached the ark. According Roskovitsky, the ship was like a giant barge on the wagon at the same time. Inside was plenty of room - large and small. Moreover, little had been tightened metal grid.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1250168985 [/ mergetime]
Images from satellites.
But first more or less significant evidence of the existence of an unknown object on top of the mountain find pictures taken by American pilots in 1949. A few years later, the snow-covered something like a ship made out of their Turkish colleagues. Then anomaly photographed twice: in 1973 it made a US spy satellite Keyhole-9, in 1976, another reconnaissance satellite Keyhole-11. Employees of the CIA engaged in the processing of satellite imagery in the seventies, found it difficult to interpret the data obtained. Porcher Taylor, while working for the CIA, said that the painting was quite unexpected. Clarify exactly what it was, he did not, because the materials collected Keyhole-9 and Keyhole-11, are still secret. In 1999 and 2000, the unit received the photos of Ararat IKONOS, owned by Space Imaging.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1250169084 [/ mergetime]
Even like the truth wanted to share slippers do not throw my first topic on the PL-e