Mysteries of the body

1. For example, we can glue the companion to the chair of one finger
Ask a friend to sit on a chair and crossed his arms. Put your index finger on his forehead, and he can not get up until you release your finger. Fiction!

2. Our hands can be lifted themselves
Stand in a doorway and lift both hands until your hands are against the jamb. Start with an effort to put pressure on him. After thirty seconds of the exit aperture of exercise and relax. Your hands themselves will rise up!

3. We can "try on" Pinocchio nose
Sit behind your friend, close your eyes and simultaneously rub his nose with one hand, and the other - the nose companion. First, it may be awkward, but after a minute you will feel as if the nose companion - it's your nose. A nose of this length can only Pinocchio!

4. By hand, can easily confuse own leg
Sit in a chair and start to twist stupnёy clockwise at the same time, finger paint in the air number six. After a while you will realize that the foot turns completely to the other side!
Here are some tricks can throw our own, seemingly so familiar body.

Source: mixstuff.ru