Thoughts that appear in each of the first visit IKEA

1. I have never been to IKEA, it will be great!
2. How the hell to park here?
3. Oh, Freestuff pencils.
4. I wonder why not on the ground floor.
5. Hey, I need that to the exit to go to eat?
6. Where is possible to buy a drink?
7. This is the place - a damn maze.
8. Living. With our apartments is ...
9. How the hell did you say BORGSJÖ?
10. Where am I? Where is the way out?
11. Why can not I pick up the assembled table?
12. Oh, I have to write the code for this product, then to somewhere find it?
13. I feel like I'm going for ages.
14. Oh, here it is possible to accelerate. Wow, candles for 99 rubles ... I'll see.
15. What is it all done?
16. Can I sit on this couch?
17. I wonder if I need this cheap couch?
18. The bookshelves are more expensive than racks? What kind of nonsense?
19. It seems there blowing air conditioning.
20. I've had enough.
21. I was hungry.
22. Stand back, let me finally go.
23. No one direction !!!
24. Where, his mother, a warehouse?
25. Wait, it seems there can be cut? Ummm ... I think there was half an hour ago.
26. Store at the bottom?
27. Self - topic.
28. Look over there seem brighter!
29. Yes, there really is more light.
30. See, and the truth is there is more light. Going into the light - this way ... Kitchen?
31. Where pointers? What they tore ***?
32. Kitchen ... it reminds me that I'm hungry ...
33. The Bathroom ... I need to pee ...
34. Damn you IKEA, let me loose.
35. Why sell plants here?
36. Oh, God, finally, storage.
37. I'll have to look for these damn things?
38. My God, I've lost my notes.
39. Yes, all were cursed ...
40. It can come back?
41. Oh, this one table.
42. I think I'll take one of those big trucks.
43. Passage Number 7 ... Oh cool.
44. Wow, this box is really hard.
45. It seems to stand table was easier.
46. I think I hurt my back.
48. I have to find cash.
49. takes a turn.
50. In all such evil?
51. inexpensive. I just wanted to see and not to buy anything, but bought the table for 5999.
52. Um, is it? Already 9 pm?
53. This table does not climb into the car.
54. I need a delivery.
55. What's the wild conditions of delivery?
56. Midnight, I finally got home ... Damn, it is necessary to collect more. And what to do with the old table?
Source: muz4in.net