Amazing facts about our planet and the universe
One day on Venus lasts longer than an Earth year
At a distance of 33 light-years from Earth exoplanet has completely covered the burning ice
275 million new stars appear every day
According to the astronauts, space smells like fried steak, hot metal and smoke from welding
According to researchers, the center of our galaxy tastes like raspberries and smells of rum (what they take?)
Each year, the Moon is moving away at 3, 8 cm from the ground
Earth has more than 8,000 pieces of space debris in its orbit
Every century the Earth's rotation slows by 17 milliseconds
Far beyond Neptune, there may be an object the size of Earth, which is orbiting the sun
If you compress the Earth to the size of a glass ball, it will fall in on itself and become a black hole
If you could put Saturn in the bath, he would have sailed
Tears in space do not flow from my eyes, they remain on the face
Photo of the Earth taken from the far distance, from which it was possible to make
One spoon made of a neutron star would weigh about a billion tons
For comparison, the largest mountain on Mars is higher than Mount Everest and Mauna Kea, together
This mountain is so big that if you were standing on the edge of it, it seemed like you
The sun is 99% of the entire solar system
The Milky Way has four spiral arms, not two, as depicted everywhere
Photon travels an average of 170,000 years to get from the Sun's core to its surface
And to get to the surface of the Sun to your eyes, the photon is sufficient only 8 minutes
The spacecraft Voyager 1, is the most distant from Earth objects made by man
There are in our galaxy planet-diamond, which is larger than the Earth
This planet called HD189733b, where there is a rain of liquid glass
Gas cloud in the constellation Aquila
Source: 4tololo.ru

At a distance of 33 light-years from Earth exoplanet has completely covered the burning ice

275 million new stars appear every day

According to the astronauts, space smells like fried steak, hot metal and smoke from welding

According to researchers, the center of our galaxy tastes like raspberries and smells of rum (what they take?)

Each year, the Moon is moving away at 3, 8 cm from the ground

Earth has more than 8,000 pieces of space debris in its orbit

Every century the Earth's rotation slows by 17 milliseconds

Far beyond Neptune, there may be an object the size of Earth, which is orbiting the sun

If you compress the Earth to the size of a glass ball, it will fall in on itself and become a black hole

If you could put Saturn in the bath, he would have sailed

Tears in space do not flow from my eyes, they remain on the face

Photo of the Earth taken from the far distance, from which it was possible to make

One spoon made of a neutron star would weigh about a billion tons

For comparison, the largest mountain on Mars is higher than Mount Everest and Mauna Kea, together

This mountain is so big that if you were standing on the edge of it, it seemed like you

The sun is 99% of the entire solar system

The Milky Way has four spiral arms, not two, as depicted everywhere

Photon travels an average of 170,000 years to get from the Sun's core to its surface

And to get to the surface of the Sun to your eyes, the photon is sufficient only 8 minutes

The spacecraft Voyager 1, is the most distant from Earth objects made by man

There are in our galaxy planet-diamond, which is larger than the Earth

This planet called HD189733b, where there is a rain of liquid glass

Gas cloud in the constellation Aquila

Source: 4tololo.ru