United Arab Emirates announced the creation of its own space agency, and travel to Mars in 2021

More and more countries and nationalities joined the research space as near space and far space. In particular, recently, Sheikh Мохаммед bin Rashid Al Maktoum (Prime Minister and Vice President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai) announced the creation of the UAE's own space agency.
Sheikh also announced his intention to go to Mars first Arabic spacecraft already in 2021. For this purpose, the UAE is investing in a program of 20 billion dirhams (about 5 and 44 billion dollars). Probably in the UAE will follow the beaten path (repeatedly tested in a truly gigantic scale construction projects) is hiring highly qualified foreign specialists, contracting companies, and creating their own space infrastructure in this way.
In general, in the United Arab Emirates on the wind do not throw words, and really invest huge amounts of money into areas that are of interest to the Arab community. Well, as you know, the Arabs of this region means there really are, and it is good that they (funds) will invest in the development of the space sector. I would hope that all this will take place within the framework of cooperation with other space agencies, resulting in the space will be even closer to humanity.
Now Sheikh Mohammed said that "Arabs, again, can make their contribution to science, for all humanity».
Via HHSheikhMohammed
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/230409/
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