Interesting facts about everything
1. Every 2 minutes we shoot more pictures than anything mankind has removed over 19 centuries.
2. At the moment, 1998 is as far from us as 2030.
2. Oxford University older than the Aztec empire.
3. New York is actually south of Rome in Italy.
4. The mammoths died out only 1,000 years after the Egyptian pyramids were built.
5. When was the fax machine invented in Russia was still serfdom.
6. The animated series "The Simpsons" is so long that people who graduated from college this year were born when the show was already on the screen for a few years.
7. Carrot was originally purple.
8. At the time when the first movie "Star Wars", the French still executed via guillotine.
9. It's hard to believe, but in the US libraries more than McDonald's restaurants.
10. The human DNA by 50% banana DNA repeats. 11. Welsh folklore fairies moved corgi dogs.
12. If the paper roll 42 times the thickness of the convolution is equal to the distance from the Earth to the Moon
13. Every year, hundreds of trees grow because squirrels forget where their buried acorns and pine cones.
14. Saudi Arabia imported camels from Australia.
15. Name Jessica was coined by Shakespeare for the play "The Venetian merchant."
16. Ever since Pluto was discovered, and until the moment when he was deprived of the status of the planet, he did not complete a single revolution around the sun.
17. The area of the surface of Pluto is smaller than the area of Russia.
18. Saturn and Jupiter rains of diamonds.
19. teacup atoms more than glasses of water in all the oceans of the earth.
20. Strawberries, in fact, is not a berry, but a banana - yes.
21. Also, the berries are avocados and watermelon.
22. Alaska's northernmost simultaneously, the westernmost and easternmost state in the US. Aleutian Islands, Alaska relating to cross the 180th meridian, so they are the most eastern.
23. Dolphins give each other names.
24. The probability of death from vending machine is twice higher than the probability that you will eat a shark.
25. Orgasm pig lasts 30 minutes.
26. The probability that in a glass of water that you drink contains molecules of water, which visited the dinosaur's body - almost 100%.
27. In the world of artificial flamingo more than the living.
28. Cleopatra lived closer to the invention of the iPhone, than at the time of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.
29. The day on Venus lasts longer than a year.
30. When you remember an event, do you remember the last time he remembered, not the event itself.
31. Finland and North Korea are separated by just one country.
32. Do octopus 3 hearts.
33. Wayne Elvayn and Russi Taylor, who voiced respectively Mickey and Minnie Mouse were actually married.
34. No one knows why the letters in the alphabet are in this order.
35. The method of shuffling cards is greater than the atoms on Earth.
36. In goats have an accent.
37. We can not breathe and swallow simultaneously
38. Chocolate milk was invented in Ireland.
39. Between the existence of Tyrannosaurus and people have been less time than between the existence of the same Tyrannosaurus and Stegosaurus. 40. And finally, your whole life has brought you to this point exactly.
Source: kmv21.ru
2. At the moment, 1998 is as far from us as 2030.

2. Oxford University older than the Aztec empire.
3. New York is actually south of Rome in Italy.
4. The mammoths died out only 1,000 years after the Egyptian pyramids were built.
5. When was the fax machine invented in Russia was still serfdom.
6. The animated series "The Simpsons" is so long that people who graduated from college this year were born when the show was already on the screen for a few years.

7. Carrot was originally purple.
8. At the time when the first movie "Star Wars", the French still executed via guillotine.
9. It's hard to believe, but in the US libraries more than McDonald's restaurants.
10. The human DNA by 50% banana DNA repeats. 11. Welsh folklore fairies moved corgi dogs.

12. If the paper roll 42 times the thickness of the convolution is equal to the distance from the Earth to the Moon
13. Every year, hundreds of trees grow because squirrels forget where their buried acorns and pine cones.
14. Saudi Arabia imported camels from Australia.
15. Name Jessica was coined by Shakespeare for the play "The Venetian merchant."
16. Ever since Pluto was discovered, and until the moment when he was deprived of the status of the planet, he did not complete a single revolution around the sun.

17. The area of the surface of Pluto is smaller than the area of Russia.
18. Saturn and Jupiter rains of diamonds.
19. teacup atoms more than glasses of water in all the oceans of the earth.
20. Strawberries, in fact, is not a berry, but a banana - yes.

21. Also, the berries are avocados and watermelon.
22. Alaska's northernmost simultaneously, the westernmost and easternmost state in the US. Aleutian Islands, Alaska relating to cross the 180th meridian, so they are the most eastern.
23. Dolphins give each other names.
24. The probability of death from vending machine is twice higher than the probability that you will eat a shark.

25. Orgasm pig lasts 30 minutes.
26. The probability that in a glass of water that you drink contains molecules of water, which visited the dinosaur's body - almost 100%.
27. In the world of artificial flamingo more than the living.

28. Cleopatra lived closer to the invention of the iPhone, than at the time of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.
29. The day on Venus lasts longer than a year.
30. When you remember an event, do you remember the last time he remembered, not the event itself.
31. Finland and North Korea are separated by just one country.

32. Do octopus 3 hearts.
33. Wayne Elvayn and Russi Taylor, who voiced respectively Mickey and Minnie Mouse were actually married.
34. No one knows why the letters in the alphabet are in this order.
35. The method of shuffling cards is greater than the atoms on Earth.
36. In goats have an accent.
37. We can not breathe and swallow simultaneously
38. Chocolate milk was invented in Ireland.
39. Between the existence of Tyrannosaurus and people have been less time than between the existence of the same Tyrannosaurus and Stegosaurus. 40. And finally, your whole life has brought you to this point exactly.

Source: kmv21.ru