How to make a match.

Cpichechnaya factory in Cherepovets works for almost 40 years and is a factory full cycle.

I was a child tormented by the question - how is it made of wood to carve a small match? It turned out pretty simple. Take timber, cut it into thin sheets, cut sheets already on sticks for matches. Themselves with the ends of the logs with lime paint, not to spoil.

Here production is divided. One part of match-sticks blanks are sent in boxes in other countries for what they were doing there at the matches themselves.

The rest are blank in the further manufacture of matches - a chemical shop (where I was for security reasons was not allowed). There matchbox sticks impregnated with phosphoric acid, and after parafiniruyut that they do not spoil (everyone who gnaws match - quickly spat it). Then the workpiece is dipped into a sulfur solution to produce the match heads.
Incidentally, how dipped. Headings are inserted into the match-matrix tape 2 meters wide, is dipped into a solution of an incendiary. Then, on this tape match heads dried. The spectacle is impressive, I tell you - thousands of matches in orderly rows.

While the matches dry in another shop made matchboxes. On cardboard from huge rolls printed pattern, "grater-chirkalku 'cause there, the next step.

Matches for "Zebra" - this is for export to Turkey and other Egypt. Tricolor inferior to their boxes.

Once printed blanks are cut and bend in the box by shooting from the corner of the film "Wanted».

Next comes the filling box. Interestingly, in Soviet times in the box was about 60 matches in Russia have already put in boxes of 50 matches, after the crisis was about 40 (it reminded me of the packaging with the dealer in a store at 900 grams - and like the whole pack, and as for the price kilogram).

Then filled boxes are packed in polyethylene film units of 10 pieces. The blocks are packed in boxes and sent to the buyer.

Interestingly, the majority of workers in the shops - women and young people. And everywhere are the ruins of the former Soviet past - propaganda posters and slogans, somewhere converted to modern (as in the photo below, the flag of the Soviet Union two primes altered under Russian tricolor).

At the end of the tour all participants gave on the block matches of different caliber - huge tourist (lit 3 minutes), elongated in the usual hunting and beautiful packaging.

Source: kak-eto-sdelano.livejournal.com