Students who like tricky tasks with matches, in the future will achieve success in business

Tasks with matches allow you to train logic and thinking. At the same time, it is very convenient that such examples can be, as they say, “solved with hands”. Shift, add and remove matches to get the specified figures, you can on any fairly flat surface. All right, let's go!

Matches assignments
  1. Fix the error in the example by moving only one match!

  2. Move the two matches so that equality is right.

  3. And this problem is both similar to the previous ones, and significantly different from them. Can you make it true without touching a match? Lighting, moving and blowing matches is also prohibited. Turn on your wits. This is exactly the case where without it simply can not!

  1. Difficult to find an answer? I already found two! And there may well be others. Option one: take the extreme match, replacing III with II, and place it on the sign "-", turning it into "+". It turns out VI = IV + II. The mistake was corrected, and we're good!

    Option two: move one match to IV to get IX. We get VI = IX - III. Equality is right again, which is what we wanted.


  2. Take a vertical match from the + sign, turning it into a -. Now add it at the bottom to the number 4. It remains to rearrange another match to get 3 in the answer. The expression takes the form 5 – 2 = 3. Equality has become true, and we move on to the next task.

  3. Like we said, you don't have to blow matches or set them on fire. And to cope with the task will help an interesting property of Roman numerals. The fact is that some of them (IV and VI, IX and XI) are mirror images of each other. Did you guess?

    If not, move on. How to get XI + I = X = I + IX? Of course, you can play with the mirror. But there is a much simpler way: just turn upside down the smartphone on which you are reading this! An elegant solution makes our equality right and proves once again that the value of ingenuity is hard to overestimate!

As you can see, problems with matches are not so difficult, but they allow you to spend time with benefit, pumping logic and spatial thinking. It's important. After all, smartness will help you achieve the result in the shortest way, not only in the game, but also in real life.


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