Packed Lunches - individual diet
26 ph.
Only the courier gave me two boxes. In one lying fruit bars "Zaryad.ka" three kinds of as much as 25 pieces each, and the second three individual diets (PRI) "Small №1», to put it simply - suhpayki.
Because before that I had to use only the PRI "Battle", then those with him, I will compare and suhpayki.
"Battle" suhpay designed for day per person. "Small" more modest objective - one at a time to eat the same person, plus another will popoldnichat, ie tea-coffee break with jam ostatkomi drink.
Because of the differences, we note that canned in "small-sized" hard soldering in the usual banks and key, ie, can opener is not required. The banks themselves are thin and will burn in the fire completely. Porridge finally not buckwheat and rice. Now I can eat with pleasure, do not throw a stupid calories. And the added plate gum infused the entire ration delicious mint flavor.
Complete with canned heaters are now not four, but three tablets of dry fuel, but right with them packed vetrovodoustoychivye additional four matches. A small tablet around, judging by the list of content soldering, designed for water purification. The instructions I found on a volume of liquid it is intended - do not know. We assume that at least a standard army mug, the maximum - in the canteen. But it is much easier to use than a device of the "combat" rations.
Another six matches are packed separately in the box. I must say that it is more convenient than the blister. Tested to match from a box of heaters and - burn long and evenly and not completely break out immediately, as the oldest of "fighting". Even regretted that one is not saved, very high quality match!
Another difference noticed - wipes for hands and utensils are now packaged separately, which is also undoubtedly more convenient.
And I decided to try the solder uncovered rations because previously soldered directly to sort the contents of the backpack and threw the package still at home. If zapajkoj small bags (salt, sugar, etc.) of the solder does not cause any difficulties, most packaging requires a smooth cut. I leveled with scissors, and in field conditions it is better to cut the edge of a knife or something smooth and flat. Plumbing was quite fast and not a few troublesome of habit, so I stopped in the middle, but the resulting weld was unexpectedly strong, though re-cut with scissors!
Overall, the PRI "Compact №1» I definitely liked. And it would be in my favorite herring - the price was not used to it! By the way, about the price - the base cost "combat" ration is 490 rubles, and "Individual №1» - just 300.
Packed Lunches - individual diet PRI combat
A general view of the contents of bulk.
One of the rations was spoiled - supplied opener pierced jar of thin sheet metal, and herring in oil pouring. On hot summer yard ejected filling deteriorated, apparently still in transit, bank covered with patches of mold and aluminum knife - divorce corrosion. And the smell! .. Knife and throw canned had (even the cat refused to eat), and other content brazing - laundering. Fortunately, everything in sealed packages. I'm upset - like herring. A soldering herring incredibly delicious!
By the way, that's why the original opener P-38s, who was a member of American rations from 1943 to 1981., Folding. The name stands as follows: P - "patent", 38 - the number of swing keys needed to open an ordinary bank US Army stew. Key was conceived as a one-off, but could serve for many years. At the tip of a folding device consisting of only two parts, with the growing pressure of several tons per square millimeter. The hole was designed to pass through after each use in a key string and rope to lower it into boiling water - the remnants of food on the knife should be sterilized, otherwise they zagniyut and the next time there is a risk of food poisoning.
Knife of the IRP copy patented American P-38 in size and shape, but is devoid of holes and more technological. Not even imprisoned (this thin cans is not required, they are easy to open the door key, a steel spoon and a coin, albeit with difficulty), but still dangerous for the content of rations. Interestingly, a replica of the P-38 did not do because of the US patent, or because of the cheapness of production of a knife in one piece?
But it was possible to inexpensively but strips of adhesive tape, packaging it like this:
By the way, it is equipped with a dry fuel heaters. Bend it so:
Supplied matches - complete d ... Not that all matches of different shapes and sizes of flammable head and breaks all the time, such a match, burning his fingers in a second. In reality, a second, and had just time to throw it in the direction of heaters with pellet fuel or future fire.
Beef stew. Delicious. I do govyuzhe meat more than swinish love. For it is not greasy.
I hated buckwheat, too, such as beef. Meat did not find it, except for those of some veins. The cold, dry and inedible mess. Warmed added stew and sauce - heaven and earth! But still it is a pity that there is no choice. The Soviet rations during my service there were two kinds of canned cereal - buckwheat and barley. Most men do not like barley, buckwheat is why I was able to successfully exchange. And then - not Eat curry.
Soaked label (laundered foul fill herring) immediately "shed" and heavily painted. I managed to slap a T-shirt, as long as it noticed. Well, it still was well-worn, not a pity to throw away. The solid losses with the rations.
Here herring in oil and three packs of biscuits. Biscuits - not your cookies, bread and dehydrated. They are used in a soaked or even copiously with water. Otherwise the biscuits will take fluid out of your esophagus and waiting for you heartburn - gastric lavage or enema.
These biscuits - from wheat flour 1 grade. There are more of wholemeal biscuits, are less expensive and not as tasty.
Liver paste of beef brains. It tastes very good, tasty analogue of the store! I recommend smeared on biscuits and drink tea.
By the way, here's a tea (two bags with thread, such LIPTON) and the coffee instant. The coffee is normal, tastier NESCAFE.
Soluble products complementary drink (such as popular in his time YUPI, INVITE and ZUKO) and mashed potatoes. Differences with some Rollton not noticed, mashed potatoes and fresh water tasteless. Still not granulate, and thanks for that. With stew and sauce is possible. A beverage completely in cold water soluble, remain some small flakes. But delicious.
Three bags of sugar at the rate of one bag per cup of hot drink. Bags are large, designed for people like me, that is, who loves sweet tea or the coffee.
Additionally, you can sweeten the apple butter, her two bags in the diet. Very tasty, sorry, that is not enough. In the frame as salt and black pepper.
The ration embedded three caramels. When I uncovered the boxes were different - or "Barbariska" or "Malibu." And yet the latter were further packaged each (!) In a small bag of candy.
This and this sweetness is not enough, he can try again condensed milk - very tasty, made by the guests - and energy bars, fruit and nuts "Zaryad.ka." Bars put two pieces, I have got two rations of three apricots and prunes + apricot. In general, they are of three types, more chernoslivovy put. I know, because the condensed milk with "Zaryad.koy" ordered in bulk for 10 more units in addition to the rations. Instantly podeli, very tasty! Energy bars of the idea should be enough for two hours of work, but there is something still wants to.
Next we have the tomato sauce a la ketchup, spicy, all I liked. But the size and color coincides with the "Zaryad.koy" prunes + apricot, easy to confuse! Another minus producer.
The bag is large enough sauce. Theoretically, opened bags can solder back fire lighters or matches, but I have not tried it - there was no need.
The ration consists of three ordinary white paper napkins, disposable spoon three green and three sets of wet wipes. The set includes a white cloth for cleaning and colored cloth to wipe the dishes. Conveniently.
Rounding out the review set for drinking water. The unlucky when soldering this set-closing PRI grabbed a corner of the bag, the photo shows that he had to pull out. I do not know how important it leaks, but just in case taped shut. According to the instructions on cleaning a jar of water you will need 40-60 minutes and another empty jar. Dimensions jars are not specified, would suggest that there is a common view of the aluminum army canteen volume of 0, 75 l.
Posted in [mergetime] 1361566595 [/ mergetime]
Author Reviews nik-ratibor
Only the courier gave me two boxes. In one lying fruit bars "Zaryad.ka" three kinds of as much as 25 pieces each, and the second three individual diets (PRI) "Small №1», to put it simply - suhpayki.
Because before that I had to use only the PRI "Battle", then those with him, I will compare and suhpayki.
"Battle" suhpay designed for day per person. "Small" more modest objective - one at a time to eat the same person, plus another will popoldnichat, ie tea-coffee break with jam ostatkomi drink.

Because of the differences, we note that canned in "small-sized" hard soldering in the usual banks and key, ie, can opener is not required. The banks themselves are thin and will burn in the fire completely. Porridge finally not buckwheat and rice. Now I can eat with pleasure, do not throw a stupid calories. And the added plate gum infused the entire ration delicious mint flavor.

Complete with canned heaters are now not four, but three tablets of dry fuel, but right with them packed vetrovodoustoychivye additional four matches. A small tablet around, judging by the list of content soldering, designed for water purification. The instructions I found on a volume of liquid it is intended - do not know. We assume that at least a standard army mug, the maximum - in the canteen. But it is much easier to use than a device of the "combat" rations.

Another six matches are packed separately in the box. I must say that it is more convenient than the blister. Tested to match from a box of heaters and - burn long and evenly and not completely break out immediately, as the oldest of "fighting". Even regretted that one is not saved, very high quality match!
Another difference noticed - wipes for hands and utensils are now packaged separately, which is also undoubtedly more convenient.

And I decided to try the solder uncovered rations because previously soldered directly to sort the contents of the backpack and threw the package still at home. If zapajkoj small bags (salt, sugar, etc.) of the solder does not cause any difficulties, most packaging requires a smooth cut. I leveled with scissors, and in field conditions it is better to cut the edge of a knife or something smooth and flat. Plumbing was quite fast and not a few troublesome of habit, so I stopped in the middle, but the resulting weld was unexpectedly strong, though re-cut with scissors!
Overall, the PRI "Compact №1» I definitely liked. And it would be in my favorite herring - the price was not used to it! By the way, about the price - the base cost "combat" ration is 490 rubles, and "Individual №1» - just 300.

Packed Lunches - individual diet PRI combat

A general view of the contents of bulk.

One of the rations was spoiled - supplied opener pierced jar of thin sheet metal, and herring in oil pouring. On hot summer yard ejected filling deteriorated, apparently still in transit, bank covered with patches of mold and aluminum knife - divorce corrosion. And the smell! .. Knife and throw canned had (even the cat refused to eat), and other content brazing - laundering. Fortunately, everything in sealed packages. I'm upset - like herring. A soldering herring incredibly delicious!

By the way, that's why the original opener P-38s, who was a member of American rations from 1943 to 1981., Folding. The name stands as follows: P - "patent", 38 - the number of swing keys needed to open an ordinary bank US Army stew. Key was conceived as a one-off, but could serve for many years. At the tip of a folding device consisting of only two parts, with the growing pressure of several tons per square millimeter. The hole was designed to pass through after each use in a key string and rope to lower it into boiling water - the remnants of food on the knife should be sterilized, otherwise they zagniyut and the next time there is a risk of food poisoning.
Knife of the IRP copy patented American P-38 in size and shape, but is devoid of holes and more technological. Not even imprisoned (this thin cans is not required, they are easy to open the door key, a steel spoon and a coin, albeit with difficulty), but still dangerous for the content of rations. Interestingly, a replica of the P-38 did not do because of the US patent, or because of the cheapness of production of a knife in one piece?

But it was possible to inexpensively but strips of adhesive tape, packaging it like this:

By the way, it is equipped with a dry fuel heaters. Bend it so:

Supplied matches - complete d ... Not that all matches of different shapes and sizes of flammable head and breaks all the time, such a match, burning his fingers in a second. In reality, a second, and had just time to throw it in the direction of heaters with pellet fuel or future fire.

Beef stew. Delicious. I do govyuzhe meat more than swinish love. For it is not greasy.

I hated buckwheat, too, such as beef. Meat did not find it, except for those of some veins. The cold, dry and inedible mess. Warmed added stew and sauce - heaven and earth! But still it is a pity that there is no choice. The Soviet rations during my service there were two kinds of canned cereal - buckwheat and barley. Most men do not like barley, buckwheat is why I was able to successfully exchange. And then - not Eat curry.
Soaked label (laundered foul fill herring) immediately "shed" and heavily painted. I managed to slap a T-shirt, as long as it noticed. Well, it still was well-worn, not a pity to throw away. The solid losses with the rations.

Here herring in oil and three packs of biscuits. Biscuits - not your cookies, bread and dehydrated. They are used in a soaked or even copiously with water. Otherwise the biscuits will take fluid out of your esophagus and waiting for you heartburn - gastric lavage or enema.
These biscuits - from wheat flour 1 grade. There are more of wholemeal biscuits, are less expensive and not as tasty.

Liver paste of beef brains. It tastes very good, tasty analogue of the store! I recommend smeared on biscuits and drink tea.

By the way, here's a tea (two bags with thread, such LIPTON) and the coffee instant. The coffee is normal, tastier NESCAFE.

Soluble products complementary drink (such as popular in his time YUPI, INVITE and ZUKO) and mashed potatoes. Differences with some Rollton not noticed, mashed potatoes and fresh water tasteless. Still not granulate, and thanks for that. With stew and sauce is possible. A beverage completely in cold water soluble, remain some small flakes. But delicious.

Three bags of sugar at the rate of one bag per cup of hot drink. Bags are large, designed for people like me, that is, who loves sweet tea or the coffee.

Additionally, you can sweeten the apple butter, her two bags in the diet. Very tasty, sorry, that is not enough. In the frame as salt and black pepper.

The ration embedded three caramels. When I uncovered the boxes were different - or "Barbariska" or "Malibu." And yet the latter were further packaged each (!) In a small bag of candy.

This and this sweetness is not enough, he can try again condensed milk - very tasty, made by the guests - and energy bars, fruit and nuts "Zaryad.ka." Bars put two pieces, I have got two rations of three apricots and prunes + apricot. In general, they are of three types, more chernoslivovy put. I know, because the condensed milk with "Zaryad.koy" ordered in bulk for 10 more units in addition to the rations. Instantly podeli, very tasty! Energy bars of the idea should be enough for two hours of work, but there is something still wants to.

Next we have the tomato sauce a la ketchup, spicy, all I liked. But the size and color coincides with the "Zaryad.koy" prunes + apricot, easy to confuse! Another minus producer.
The bag is large enough sauce. Theoretically, opened bags can solder back fire lighters or matches, but I have not tried it - there was no need.

The ration consists of three ordinary white paper napkins, disposable spoon three green and three sets of wet wipes. The set includes a white cloth for cleaning and colored cloth to wipe the dishes. Conveniently.

Rounding out the review set for drinking water. The unlucky when soldering this set-closing PRI grabbed a corner of the bag, the photo shows that he had to pull out. I do not know how important it leaks, but just in case taped shut. According to the instructions on cleaning a jar of water you will need 40-60 minutes and another empty jar. Dimensions jars are not specified, would suggest that there is a common view of the aluminum army canteen volume of 0, 75 l.
Posted in [mergetime] 1361566595 [/ mergetime]
Author Reviews nik-ratibor
