Rusty, panda, much like mom

Panda Qing Qing-first birth to a baby - and amazed, it seems more than all! During the toddler and his mother alone in the Chinese center for research and protection of giant pandas in Ya'an County.

Pandas give birth every two years, and until 2000 giant pandas left in the world where a little more than 150 pieces, and does not reproduce in captivity - so it is doubly joyful event.
A Qing-Qing first child. It weighs about 100 grams - 1/800 weight of mother - and is already covered with hair pink.

Well, that was born only one: if twins are born, females still only care about the first came to light, throwing a second adrift.

Most panda belongs to the bear family, Ursidae, but has some signs of raccoons, and Chinese beast called "bear-cat».

Source: www.ridus.ru