The art of the absurd

"Blood-red mirror". Painter - Gerhard Richter. Price - 1, $ 1 million.
It should be noted that Gerhard Richter - the great master and his work is invaluable in many respects. But I do not understand how valuable is this creature? Because before you just red paint that Richter struck a mirror, adding a little gradient. Apparently, collector, vyborovshy "blood red mirror" for $ 1 1 million., Thinks otherwise.

"The concept of space, waiting." Artist - Lucio Fontana. Price - 1, 5 million dollars.
Here is a plain canvas, on which the longitudinal slot, pushed under the hammer at a London auction for $ 1, 5 million. Not bad, huh? This is nothing more interesting.

"Green Blob." Artist - Ellsworth Kelly. Cost - 1, 6 million dollars.
Ellsworth Kelly is one of those artists who do not abound in major proceeds for their creativity. So the "Green Blob" - the exception rather the rule than the reality. Canvas in the middle of which is shown deformed circle found the connoisseur for $ 1, 6 million.

Untitled. Artist - Blinky Palermo. Price - 1, 7 million dollars.
Here is a combination of two colored bands in the style of Palermo. Perhaps about the work there is nothing more to say besides, it does not even have a name. Or the name of the same name?

"Cowboy". Artist - Ellsworth Kelly. Price - 1, 7 million dollars.
American artist more than 4 years studied "painting sharp edges" by developing a unique style. Ellsworth Kelly - an expert in the field of geometric planes, delimited by a sharp color contrasts. They say that his work paved the way to minimalism in art. "Cowboy" found its home price of $ 1, 7 million.

"Painting (The dog)." Artist - Joan Miró. Cost - 2, $ 2 million.
This work compared to other creations Joan Miró seems an anomaly. Perhaps buying a painting collector guided by the desire to own a piece of heritage of great masters? Result - $ 2, 2 million.

Untitled. Artist - Cy Twombly. Cost - 2, 3 million dollars.
Work done on the basis of children's scrawl. Colored pencil and paper - that is, they are two tools that are at the Christie's auction was estimated at $ 2, 3 million. About diligence, originality, and at least some understanding of art, and I forgot to think. Maybe the artist is not being, perhaps, is a 5-year-old small child practiced writing the letter "e"? Well, if so, Cy Twombly someone plenty podstebnul.

"White Fire I». Artist - Barnett Newman. Cost - 3, 8 million dollars.
"White Fire I» - the case when the mystical terminology, back rests against the Torah, "sells"! Marketing text? Not otherwise. But, excuse me, what does the Torah can have two lines on the canvas? So I think no.

«Fool». Artist - Christopher Wool. Cost - $ 5 million.
"Blue fool" - this is the power of this art! Judge for yourself, as it was necessary to try to convince any collector to buy this "masterpiece" to buy a picture with blue eloquent inscription - "Fool" ... Christopher, bravo! You deserve a standing ovation!

Untitled. Artist - Mark Rothko. Cost - $ 28 million.
The painting, which has broken all records in the art of the absurd absurd art, about the price / quality. It can be put at the beginning of Lent, to hang in the header, but in essence, "Untitled" would not have been this proud of. This creation has been sold at auction for $ 28 million. (Excluding some thousands of USD above). That's where pride, that's where the millions. And to be honest - it is boring, absurd ... and not to swear, very expensive.

Source: art-veranda.ru