Stronger rejoice that lost and found
It just so happened - stronger rejoice that lost and found than the fact that he always had with him.
Iris Murdoch: "Bell»
Learn about what betrayed: the emotional burden of betrayal
Wrong post leads to the fact that God leaves man
10 stories about what people saw during clinical death
Olya cooked dinner for her husband and thought about the fact that for 8 years of life together I have not heard from him the words of love
What is happiness for you?
Robert Heinlein.
What should be kept confidential
25 couples to smithereens break stereotypes of what old age - it's boring. Well cadres!
Anatoly Neelov. Life is very short thing, and I choose to enjoy life and not to accumulate
10 books that people can overcome all
Learn about what betrayed: the emotional burden of betrayal
Wrong post leads to the fact that God leaves man
10 stories about what people saw during clinical death
Olya cooked dinner for her husband and thought about the fact that for 8 years of life together I have not heard from him the words of love
What is happiness for you?
Robert Heinlein.
What should be kept confidential
25 couples to smithereens break stereotypes of what old age - it's boring. Well cadres!
Anatoly Neelov. Life is very short thing, and I choose to enjoy life and not to accumulate
10 books that people can overcome all
You are too lazy to learn? Jobs are not satisfied? "From childhood, want to retire?"
Photos on the brink: surface and underwater world in a single shot.