Success Factors

do not like girls? Yes, they are just stupid, they just would papiki money or balaboly that much romantic noodles on your ears hang. Increase passed by again? So after not lucky at the headmistress was PMS, and in general, promote graduates of prestigious vvuzov-s, and you from a poor family with herovenkim diploma, all explainable. The constant depression and reluctance to get out of bed? Well, okay ...

If the logic of the previous paragraph does not seem strange to you, dial in Yandex "cheap pine coffin" and go to die because life still will not be, and what will be, is it life? That things went uphill, it is useful to recognize once and for all: after reaching the 16th anniversary of when you have something to think, something can and have the right to work, the responsibility for your life rests solely with you. If the environment does not like, it's your fault that do not change it, and coquettishly bear his cross, telling them in all possible places. You are to blame for the fact that you do not like - do not seem concerned about the same appearance and improvement of their intellectual development, no evil Tatar while over you with a dagger did not stand. Continue to drift until you become a corpse and you somewhere not stand.

Buzzword, oh, I'm so trendy, cute cat infantile, and generally see how many likes in any comic book about the lazy. The fact that the hero of our time - a professional loser, sluggish kidalty which isnt that my mother does not feed semolina, normal and understandable. In a world where the ordinary man opened many opportunities (yes your great-grandfather on his horse did not see, and great-grandfather ate meat three times a year), was supposed to appear any plague, performing the functions of natural selection. It's great that it was embodied in the cult of inaction, and not in the physical elimination of those who threaten to take a job in the future and your children's food. Let's play a little more in this glorious puzzle yes smoke break, and we still climb up the limp your head on the nearest peak.

Those who have achieved something, is not always the result of obligation to his outstanding abilities. They just started to do something while you're scratching his head and hesitated, muttering "what do bad, it is better to do nothing." I wonder how such a philosophy combined with moaning about fools and scoundrels, standing at the head of all things? Maybe if not audacious ignoramus, who won somewhere in ancient history due to the number of iterations, and you would not have been in the world. Perfectionism is good in moderation, just like everything else. Perfection can not be achieved, and when done our best, it's time to calm down and go to the next step. Perhaps the "David" would be even better if Michelangelo sat on it for another forty years with nail file and groaning about the inadequacy mind's ideal, but we fortunately never know.

Whatever you do, ten admiring undecideds there is one loud kleymitel, after which estimates you want to curl up in a fetal position in the queue for a lobotomy. As rightly pointed out by Aristotle, the best way to avoid criticism - is to say nothing, do nothing, and nothing of itself does not represent. So if your caravan for barking dog runs, congratulations - it means a caravan wherever it goes, yes. At the same time good for the nerves to remind yourself that you smash your opponent to the nines and will almost certainly lay down on chips to munch on his sagging sofa: in fact, who is life, there is no time to rehash of other people's shit. Pity it and keep moving.

Failure - not the end of the path and not a hint that it's time to give up, cover the bed sheet and crawl to the cemetery. As the baby does not understand why hot dangerous until finds itself in the foot tea, and any worker sees no boundaries of reality as long as its aspirations do not run into the ceiling as a failure. Bad not the failure and inability to make him the logical conclusions and tendency to fall into a fit where you need only put a cross in the "outcome of the experiment" and switch to the next idea.

Imagine the story fresh widescreen shame national cinema: careless sorcerer by Galustjana confused voodoo doll, and you will forever remain in fifth grade. Those foolish fears, giggle at silly jokes physiological, first pimples and eternal algebra. Scary? But this happens to you in reality. If before your progress was evident and measured transition from class to class, new knowledge, new horizons in high school, then after a couple of years in one place, surrounded by the same friends you cease to grow and learn, turning from gnawing youngster in all sorts of granites, resorting to arbitrary zoological metaphor, cozy pupate in a hole amoeba. Being a thinking person - treadmill, and who gape, he flew backwards and shmyaknulsya.

Around one fools, brakes and clumsy, so it's easier to do everything yourself. Do you agree? Then you will never rise above the artist, and performers do not drive around in a Porsche, not shine well groomed individuals with covers and do not write memoirs. Really smart people at some stage understands that pull the blanket over himself can not go on and have to share the responsibility with others. The sooner comes the ability to delegate and to negotiate, the less chance in thirty-five of ketamine users find themselves in Ecuador.

Postcard from old Confucius: "He who says that he can, and he who says that he can not both be right." It is not clear why anyone should believe in you, if you do not believe in yourself, and it is obvious that most zatyukivat itself does not mean there are all the other inhabitants of the planet. Here, the only case when self-deception salutary - if, instead of reflecting on how soon you Forecasts homeroom teacher and sit in a local jail, you will try on the mask DiCaprio in "The Wolf of Wall Street", the mask begins to grow and gradually become the face.

Savvy folks who all grasp on the fly and easily used to obtain the desired, often waiting for some nasty surprises in the face gray slowpoke, suddenly was in demand, secure and happy them. While the first fluttering from one flower to another life, the second snout stuck in the ground and it gnawed long purposefully. If you are over 25 and you still do not understand what you want to do, it's time to ask for help from trained professionals, cushioned with career-oriented tests and torturing people you know well. Here or vertical building a career, or life prospects of a la Bukowski, who place in the slaughterhouse and the railroad gave comfortable motel, cheap tangle-legs and one Snickers day. Or decades Communications Manager and silent tears into my pillow.

When you know exactly what color the wallpaper in the bedroom will be your future villa in Tuscany, who and what you are to thank for the presentation of the Pulitzer and how they will call your two children with this incredible woman, then and only then move toward the target ceases to be a burden and becomes a natural as breathing. Without vymechtannyh personal details you image a bright future will remain a blur in the abstract given, in which pokes a finger parent, and then it will be easy to hunch over a cup of tea, enriched article "Rules vacation top florists in Moscow" and "23 ways to apply concealer on the cheek."
Source: mtrpl.ru/try-hards