Small pleasures post
Summer with us this year as at once is not specified and the weather are in the style of "good and there was now October," so that the beach-bathing joy, alas, are not available.
Here too solstice arrived, and these days we have a tradition to get to the mushroom exploration, but even if I just take a walk through the woods. A tradition - it is the fact and tradition in order to comply with it. Hello, forest! Hello Berendey!
2. But with the wide effort! Mood rapidly improves
3. We had a little wander around, but that's still finding
4. Got a tremendous Fairy ring of toadstools cheerful. Circle really big, so do not take the shot, you can see only a piece
5. Among poganochek camouflaged and several foxes
6. heap went
7. Little cub oak. Who knows, maybe grow. And maybe get a clearance. Sudbaaa
8. Well, unless it can be assumed in this shaggy ingots multiple champion all different, from whose award cups shelves groaning? Forest loves and chanterelles generally tries to eat out of hand.
9. A small sun
10. Cones is not an obstacle, and Grow otpihnem
11. Another family of
12. And
13. And here .... My eyes refused to believe, but did so!
14. Actually, surprise doubly, because of this forest I do okromya chanterelles, and do not wait. And here Borovichok, but not anyhow any, and the royal maroon, but when more and fungi is really no
15. For the first time the pleasure received well, just great in the woods is good, but it's time to come back. On the way back we stopped at the farm for milk, there they graze, nurse
16. The main caretaker. Barking so loudly that near impossible to talk. And defiantly klatsat teeth inches from his feet. Pike fulfills
17. Country koteyka
18. And koteyka
19. The hostess pours milk from a modern refrigerator tricked. Everything is always very clean, delicious milk, take many years there, if we go by
20. The guard with the milk
21. Posing
22. Plates on sarayke-wreck. Everywhere civilization
23. Well, that's the whole catch. A good enough sauce to young potatoes with dill yes, th-th-th
24. Yes, the Massacre of the Innocents, but ... do not leave, can not be, even kill. Will be in a special sauce note
25. And yet - here is just the end of one good day. Let it be in everyone's life a little more just good days. I have everything all beaver
Oops ... That's it - the end of
Here too solstice arrived, and these days we have a tradition to get to the mushroom exploration, but even if I just take a walk through the woods. A tradition - it is the fact and tradition in order to comply with it. Hello, forest! Hello Berendey!

2. But with the wide effort! Mood rapidly improves

3. We had a little wander around, but that's still finding

4. Got a tremendous Fairy ring of toadstools cheerful. Circle really big, so do not take the shot, you can see only a piece

5. Among poganochek camouflaged and several foxes

6. heap went

7. Little cub oak. Who knows, maybe grow. And maybe get a clearance. Sudbaaa

8. Well, unless it can be assumed in this shaggy ingots multiple champion all different, from whose award cups shelves groaning? Forest loves and chanterelles generally tries to eat out of hand.

9. A small sun

10. Cones is not an obstacle, and Grow otpihnem

11. Another family of

12. And

13. And here .... My eyes refused to believe, but did so!

14. Actually, surprise doubly, because of this forest I do okromya chanterelles, and do not wait. And here Borovichok, but not anyhow any, and the royal maroon, but when more and fungi is really no

15. For the first time the pleasure received well, just great in the woods is good, but it's time to come back. On the way back we stopped at the farm for milk, there they graze, nurse

16. The main caretaker. Barking so loudly that near impossible to talk. And defiantly klatsat teeth inches from his feet. Pike fulfills

17. Country koteyka

18. And koteyka

19. The hostess pours milk from a modern refrigerator tricked. Everything is always very clean, delicious milk, take many years there, if we go by

20. The guard with the milk

21. Posing

22. Plates on sarayke-wreck. Everywhere civilization

23. Well, that's the whole catch. A good enough sauce to young potatoes with dill yes, th-th-th

24. Yes, the Massacre of the Innocents, but ... do not leave, can not be, even kill. Will be in a special sauce note

25. And yet - here is just the end of one good day. Let it be in everyone's life a little more just good days. I have everything all beaver

Oops ... That's it - the end of