FIRST AID without drugs
JAR cold
Half a liter of water with milk, sugar and 1 hour. L. ground cardamom reduce temperature
0, 5 tsp dry ginger a little hot water to form a paste. The paste was cast on the forehead. Perhaps a slight burning sensation: it is not harmful.
Compress ginger paste (mol. Ginger water)
Sore throat rinsing glass infused in hot water sage
Acne, pimples
1 tablespoon of aloe juice quarter tsp turmeric. Ingest 2 times a day until the skin is clear
Bad breath Chew fennel seeds! or (if the smell comes from the inside) to brew a cup of boiling water 1 tsp mixture of ground cardamom, ground cinnamon and bay leaves milled (in equal proportions), chill and drink.
Take a hot bath at 0, 5 cup of ground ginger and 0, 5 cups of soda. Sit for 15 minutes. In the affected area twice a day, apply compresses of warm paste (1 tsp ginger 1 tsp turmeric a little hot water)
Tumor (external) on swollen section apply powder 2 parts turmeric and 1 part salt.
Poor sleep INSOMNIA
In the evening, drink a glass of warm milk with 0, 5 tsp nutmeg. OR: Mix 1 tsp toasted ground cumin with the pulp of a ripe banana. Eat before bedtime
To improve memory Eat three grams of ground fennel flower seeds mixed with 10 grams of honey
Dissolve a pinch of turmeric in the juice of aloe.
Boil 0, 5 tsp ginger and 1 tsp ground cinnamon in half a liter of water for 10 minutes. Drink 1 cup every 3 hours with a little honey.
Stuffy nose
Breathe in the smoke of burning turmeric. This will quickly get out of the mucus of the nose and clean it.
To have a good blow your nose inhale the powder of equal parts ground cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom and cumin.
FLU Tea from dry ginger. Milk with turmeric - 3 times a day it prevents the complications of the disease and reinforces the weakened liver.
Half a liter of water with milk, sugar and 1 hour. L. ground cardamom reduce temperature
0, 5 tsp dry ginger a little hot water to form a paste. The paste was cast on the forehead. Perhaps a slight burning sensation: it is not harmful.
Compress ginger paste (mol. Ginger water)
Sore throat rinsing glass infused in hot water sage
Acne, pimples
1 tablespoon of aloe juice quarter tsp turmeric. Ingest 2 times a day until the skin is clear
Bad breath Chew fennel seeds! or (if the smell comes from the inside) to brew a cup of boiling water 1 tsp mixture of ground cardamom, ground cinnamon and bay leaves milled (in equal proportions), chill and drink.
Take a hot bath at 0, 5 cup of ground ginger and 0, 5 cups of soda. Sit for 15 minutes. In the affected area twice a day, apply compresses of warm paste (1 tsp ginger 1 tsp turmeric a little hot water)
Tumor (external) on swollen section apply powder 2 parts turmeric and 1 part salt.
Poor sleep INSOMNIA
In the evening, drink a glass of warm milk with 0, 5 tsp nutmeg. OR: Mix 1 tsp toasted ground cumin with the pulp of a ripe banana. Eat before bedtime
To improve memory Eat three grams of ground fennel flower seeds mixed with 10 grams of honey
Dissolve a pinch of turmeric in the juice of aloe.
Boil 0, 5 tsp ginger and 1 tsp ground cinnamon in half a liter of water for 10 minutes. Drink 1 cup every 3 hours with a little honey.
Stuffy nose
Breathe in the smoke of burning turmeric. This will quickly get out of the mucus of the nose and clean it.
To have a good blow your nose inhale the powder of equal parts ground cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom and cumin.
FLU Tea from dry ginger. Milk with turmeric - 3 times a day it prevents the complications of the disease and reinforces the weakened liver.