A drop of water and superhydrophobic surface

In science fiction movies often meets the description of a new type of materials. For example, coveralls, which are not contaminated, the shoe that is not greasy and does not allow moisture to itself, and much more.
In principle, new materials, called superhydrophobic already exist, and begin to "work" in the industry. The surface of these materials has a plurality of microscopic structures, and in contact with water droplets air contained in all of the micropores, do not allow water to the surface of the material and have no interaction. In the fall of water drops on a superhydrophobic material drop briefly behaves like a ball bouncing on the spot.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of such materials experts from Brigham Young University (BYU) posted the video, which shows the behavior of water droplets on such structures.
According to the researchers, superhydrophobic materials can be used in water softeners, for covering solar cells (in this case, the photocells are always clean - provided, of course, that in the region of the installation at least sometimes it rains) and in other areas.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/225327/
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