The modern world is firmly seized the dragon. We are closely watching events unfold in Vasteras, Yongkang, Mierine on the wall. We worry about sudbah favorite characters and eagerly waiting for the next book, or a series, to whom - that. However, because of this, no doubt, interesting and fascinating history, we forget that John Martin was not the first one who created such an amazing and a living world. Before him, there were others. I want to tell you about the wonderful world of the distant future on a distant planet and desert - Arrakis.
Arrakis is the most valuable planet in the universe
Dune cycle can be divided into two parts. Classical written directly by Frank Herbert and prehistory, the continuation written by his son - Brian. Until now, the disputes do not cease any of the parts is better written ilb father's son, and did not subside. There is no doubt that the classic cycle, deeper and full of philosophical content, but also more difficult to read (especially at first). As Herbert created a new world, and distant from our time at 20,000 years (at least), then naturally he came up with a huge number of terms for which had to be introduced in the very first book - a glossary. So read it, at first, still quite difficult. Books written by Brian Herbert (co-authored with Kevin Anderson) quite seriously looks like a normal kosmoopery-kosmoboevik, however, and are easier to read. It is this property, simplify them, and causes fierce popabol among fans of the classic series.
Although the book called Dune, the events unfolding in her place, not only on one planet - Arrakis (imperial title, Fremen themselves call their planet Dune), but also on many other worlds known Universe, as well as in time. But! Everything in order.
The history of the world of Dune begins on Earth for 10,000 years before the events of the main loop. Humanity is enslaved thinking machines is only true one - Omnius. Omnius Initially created to help people, however, are so pampered humanity mired in hedonism that the revolution Omnius seized power over the Earth. It is noteworthy that not Omnius started this revolution. This was a group of young (and poor) rebels are not satisfied with the current state of affairs. Giving yourself the names of the great heroes of the past (both humans and gods), they, with the help of robots, staged a coup and overthrew the then imperial family, and they called themselves - the Titans. Realizing after the coup, that they are mortal and not wanting to lose her, limitless power, they moved their mind into the body of robots becoming cybernetic mechanisms; - Kimek.
As a result of an unfortunate error of the titans of power over the planets under their control was transferred to the world of mind - Omnius. Because of the Titans turned into a full-fledged rulers Omnius servants. Kill that Omnius did not allow a special unit established by one of the Titans in the days of their power.
The world is divided in half with one side being synchronized world under the heel of thinking machines, on the other hand- the League of Noble, the world of free people, on some planets which flourished slavery. Here is such a paradox. Also there were a planet do not belong to one of the parties, one of which was Arrakis. Books subframe "Legends of Dune" written by Brian Herbert, and devoted a painful and long (100 years) the struggle of people with machines. It is noteworthy that the protagonists and antagonists in the classic cycle in the "legends" were swapped. Artreydes Vorian was originally for power machines and Harkonenny for a free humanity. But Vorian Artreydes to the side of the people, and even became a friend of Xavier Harkonenna. Their feud began during the final battle against the robots from the planet Corrine, Abuldrud Harkonenn betrayed humanity (for noble reasons, he did not want to destroy a human shield who put roboty- Hrettgirov Bridge), and was banished to a distant planet. His descendants eventually accused of his exile Artreydesov. It was the beginning of many a century of hostility. After the victory, the people refused to use all kinds of machines, which was reflected in the Ecumenical (orange) of the Bible - "Yes, you can not create a machine in the image and likeness." It was at this time - Butlerian jihad, there is a huge number of schools designed to destroy the robots first, and then replace them. This doctor sukkah, Ginazsky order, Bene Gesserit, the Guild and Mentats. On the last I want to talk too much.
First Mentat was created by an independent robot Erasmus - a bet with Omnius and it is very interesting and plot the course of the novel. The dispute was whether whether chelove so rational and objective thinking like a machine. Erasmus took this argument, taking the education of the boy himself and calling his servant Gilbertusom. Erasmus rather ambiguous character of the book. Firstly why he independent? Because in the world are synchronized robots synchronized with Omnius - so it was called. In fact, in the world of cars was only one reason soaping - Omnius. That was until one of the robots fell into the crevice where stuck on 200 years. During this time he developed his independent thinking, that like Omnius. Secondly, Erasmus tried to understand the nature of man wanted to know that makes us different from machines and make such amazing. He achieved this barbaric way by killing people conducting experiments on them and vivisection. However, he came close to an understanding of how to be a man, then when the boy took to his servant to education. What originally was a common experience grew into affection and then love. At the end of the cycle Erasmus donated his appearance - robots that could save his son and his beloved from certain death. Yes, he called the son of the boy, and he, in turn, by his father. With this Gilbertusa began school mentat experience is a success. As it turned out, as people are thinking abilities no worse machines.
Guild came from a private pharmaceutical company, the daughter of the head of which - Norma Tsenva was a talented physicist. He is born ugly girl hit in science and create an engine Holzman. Yes no Tio Holtzman created the engine is capable to fold space, and it worked for him. With the support of his father and his financial opportunities were first experemental ships with a new way to move in the space that once floated. In fact, since the guild was born. Ten thousand years.
World classic Dune is a huge feudal empire - oecumene. Whose rights the Emperor Shaddam IV
And that they are the same in the mini series
Emperor Shaddam IV led his race since the Great Jihad and the family name he had Corrino in honor of one of the final battle. His power rested on three pillars: 1) The Council of good and fair trade (as far as I remember something like this stands for KOOAM) - it was very financially economic union; 2) Lansraad - council houses great and small; 3) Space Guild.
What Landsraad? The fact that the universe of Dune - this is feudalism. All the planets are divided between certain families and Emperor maneuvering between giving fiefs some and punishing others. Families are vast. Some own only one planet, some whole system and not just one. However, the most we know is certainly Atreydosy and Harkonenny. Ordos in the book there. After this there Ekazy, and other Mortiani but we are not interested. Artreydesy descend from the very Voriana Atreides who was a key character during the Butlerian Jihad. By the way described Atreides through goodies and it is a very weak link in the book. Frank Herbert clearly divides into good and bad Martin his characters are more flexible and more realistic.
Duke Leto Atreides
A good Atreydosam confront evil Harkonenny represented by Baron Vladimir Harkonenna. Really curious why Herbert called the villain Russian name? And the father's name was Vladimir Dmitriev, more in the novel like no names. It refers to the fact that the language was a mixture of obschegalaktichesky mostly Russian and English with the inclusion of other languages. Most likely, the writer, has influenced the Cold War. Write it now, galactic language was a mixture of English and Chinese. Baron Harkonenna are so
or so
That is thick and move on hangers from their weight. In fact, he was not always so, it infected the Reverend Mother of the Bene Gesserit in retaliation for the rape. And yes, by the way, it was Achtung.
Thirdly, perhaps the most important pillar, the tripod of power was guild. The Guild has a monopoly on space transportation, and so it controlled the whole universe. This feature provides the relative peace in the empire. The fact that the ships transporting large armies of the Guild was incredibly expensive, and it could afford only the very rich Great Houses. So it has developed a set of rules under which to start a war and how to wage it and through what means. In this regard, the notion of a war of assassins. Really send for a purpose murderer much cheaper than hiring a ship and pay huge fees, and ships were indeed formidable
These monsters ruled Guild navigators, able to foresee the future. Why is that? Because ships guild moved in space is not the usual way. They are rolled up space that is disappearing in one place and appear in another. Of course, no one knew where the ship arrives, he might appear at Star ILT fly into the comet, which happened at the beginning, so it took lyudei able to see the future - Guild navigators
But what united them all and, and Great Guild House and KOOAM? Owning than to give unlimited power over them? Right spice - melange.
This wealth is only on Dune, and so this planet was the most valuable of all. It is thanks to her Guild navigators could keep their ships in space, thanks to its people could extend life to 200 years. In case you could buy spices whole planetary system. However, its production has been fraught with difficulties in the first of which were sand worms.
And the worm
The worm circling over which ornithopters
These monsters were huge. In order to kill one of them tied to the bait we had a huge amount of explosives. Moving in the thick sand, they were chosen on the surface heard the noise that would devour the hapless traveler. That is why the walk in the desert was coined special arrhythmic step. Sand worms can easily absorb the harvester - a special plant to collect herbs.
However, due to the worms and the spice was formed. The second problem for the production of melange were Fremen - descendants Zensunni pilgrims fleeing from persecution during the Great Jihad. They often raided neighboring villages and attacking scouts. Sami Fremen lived in the depths of the desert in their sietch. It is this remoteness and protected them from punitive expeditions. Life in the sietch was not easy, for that would survive all adhere to strict discipline as usual and water. Why water? Do not forget that Dune is one big desert. In all the universe is valued spice, and valuable spice on Arrakis vostokrat - water. In order to save her Fremen wore a special suit - distikomb that recycles the water allocation
The blue eye is the distinguishing feature of all free men, and indeed all who consume the spice. They are called the eyes Ibad. A spice have been Fremen around they drank spiced coffee, eating spicy cookies and poetou their eyes acquired a thick dark blue. Another feature was their ability to Fremen ride the worm. This was done so. Special vibromolotom which is set in the desert called worm. While he devoured hammer with special hooks bearer climbed on his back, and as the body of the worm and segmented rings for soft flesh, ontyagivaya these rings could ensure that he would not dive into the deep and crawled to where you want.
Here's how
Rather so
That's basically all. Understandably not told a hundredth part of what is in the books. For example I put the story Muad'Dib It's just not possible, it is easier to read these amazing books. Finally a few more figures from the world of Dune
Freeman in the desert
Naib Stilgar. Naib - is the head of the sietch
Yes, to you! Naib's
The rite of initiation of the young Freeman. To ride your first worm. Although the picture is likely to Muad'Dib
Freeman saddle worm. Wieden vibromolot and hooks Submitter
Arrakis is the most valuable planet in the universe

Dune cycle can be divided into two parts. Classical written directly by Frank Herbert and prehistory, the continuation written by his son - Brian. Until now, the disputes do not cease any of the parts is better written ilb father's son, and did not subside. There is no doubt that the classic cycle, deeper and full of philosophical content, but also more difficult to read (especially at first). As Herbert created a new world, and distant from our time at 20,000 years (at least), then naturally he came up with a huge number of terms for which had to be introduced in the very first book - a glossary. So read it, at first, still quite difficult. Books written by Brian Herbert (co-authored with Kevin Anderson) quite seriously looks like a normal kosmoopery-kosmoboevik, however, and are easier to read. It is this property, simplify them, and causes fierce popabol among fans of the classic series.
Although the book called Dune, the events unfolding in her place, not only on one planet - Arrakis (imperial title, Fremen themselves call their planet Dune), but also on many other worlds known Universe, as well as in time. But! Everything in order.
The history of the world of Dune begins on Earth for 10,000 years before the events of the main loop. Humanity is enslaved thinking machines is only true one - Omnius. Omnius Initially created to help people, however, are so pampered humanity mired in hedonism that the revolution Omnius seized power over the Earth. It is noteworthy that not Omnius started this revolution. This was a group of young (and poor) rebels are not satisfied with the current state of affairs. Giving yourself the names of the great heroes of the past (both humans and gods), they, with the help of robots, staged a coup and overthrew the then imperial family, and they called themselves - the Titans. Realizing after the coup, that they are mortal and not wanting to lose her, limitless power, they moved their mind into the body of robots becoming cybernetic mechanisms; - Kimek.

As a result of an unfortunate error of the titans of power over the planets under their control was transferred to the world of mind - Omnius. Because of the Titans turned into a full-fledged rulers Omnius servants. Kill that Omnius did not allow a special unit established by one of the Titans in the days of their power.
The world is divided in half with one side being synchronized world under the heel of thinking machines, on the other hand- the League of Noble, the world of free people, on some planets which flourished slavery. Here is such a paradox. Also there were a planet do not belong to one of the parties, one of which was Arrakis. Books subframe "Legends of Dune" written by Brian Herbert, and devoted a painful and long (100 years) the struggle of people with machines. It is noteworthy that the protagonists and antagonists in the classic cycle in the "legends" were swapped. Artreydes Vorian was originally for power machines and Harkonenny for a free humanity. But Vorian Artreydes to the side of the people, and even became a friend of Xavier Harkonenna. Their feud began during the final battle against the robots from the planet Corrine, Abuldrud Harkonenn betrayed humanity (for noble reasons, he did not want to destroy a human shield who put roboty- Hrettgirov Bridge), and was banished to a distant planet. His descendants eventually accused of his exile Artreydesov. It was the beginning of many a century of hostility. After the victory, the people refused to use all kinds of machines, which was reflected in the Ecumenical (orange) of the Bible - "Yes, you can not create a machine in the image and likeness." It was at this time - Butlerian jihad, there is a huge number of schools designed to destroy the robots first, and then replace them. This doctor sukkah, Ginazsky order, Bene Gesserit, the Guild and Mentats. On the last I want to talk too much.
First Mentat was created by an independent robot Erasmus - a bet with Omnius and it is very interesting and plot the course of the novel. The dispute was whether whether chelove so rational and objective thinking like a machine. Erasmus took this argument, taking the education of the boy himself and calling his servant Gilbertusom. Erasmus rather ambiguous character of the book. Firstly why he independent? Because in the world are synchronized robots synchronized with Omnius - so it was called. In fact, in the world of cars was only one reason soaping - Omnius. That was until one of the robots fell into the crevice where stuck on 200 years. During this time he developed his independent thinking, that like Omnius. Secondly, Erasmus tried to understand the nature of man wanted to know that makes us different from machines and make such amazing. He achieved this barbaric way by killing people conducting experiments on them and vivisection. However, he came close to an understanding of how to be a man, then when the boy took to his servant to education. What originally was a common experience grew into affection and then love. At the end of the cycle Erasmus donated his appearance - robots that could save his son and his beloved from certain death. Yes, he called the son of the boy, and he, in turn, by his father. With this Gilbertusa began school mentat experience is a success. As it turned out, as people are thinking abilities no worse machines.
Guild came from a private pharmaceutical company, the daughter of the head of which - Norma Tsenva was a talented physicist. He is born ugly girl hit in science and create an engine Holzman. Yes no Tio Holtzman created the engine is capable to fold space, and it worked for him. With the support of his father and his financial opportunities were first experemental ships with a new way to move in the space that once floated. In fact, since the guild was born. Ten thousand years.
World classic Dune is a huge feudal empire - oecumene. Whose rights the Emperor Shaddam IV

And that they are the same in the mini series

Emperor Shaddam IV led his race since the Great Jihad and the family name he had Corrino in honor of one of the final battle. His power rested on three pillars: 1) The Council of good and fair trade (as far as I remember something like this stands for KOOAM) - it was very financially economic union; 2) Lansraad - council houses great and small; 3) Space Guild.
What Landsraad? The fact that the universe of Dune - this is feudalism. All the planets are divided between certain families and Emperor maneuvering between giving fiefs some and punishing others. Families are vast. Some own only one planet, some whole system and not just one. However, the most we know is certainly Atreydosy and Harkonenny. Ordos in the book there. After this there Ekazy, and other Mortiani but we are not interested. Artreydesy descend from the very Voriana Atreides who was a key character during the Butlerian Jihad. By the way described Atreides through goodies and it is a very weak link in the book. Frank Herbert clearly divides into good and bad Martin his characters are more flexible and more realistic.
Duke Leto Atreides

A good Atreydosam confront evil Harkonenny represented by Baron Vladimir Harkonenna. Really curious why Herbert called the villain Russian name? And the father's name was Vladimir Dmitriev, more in the novel like no names. It refers to the fact that the language was a mixture of obschegalaktichesky mostly Russian and English with the inclusion of other languages. Most likely, the writer, has influenced the Cold War. Write it now, galactic language was a mixture of English and Chinese. Baron Harkonenna are so

or so

That is thick and move on hangers from their weight. In fact, he was not always so, it infected the Reverend Mother of the Bene Gesserit in retaliation for the rape. And yes, by the way, it was Achtung.
Thirdly, perhaps the most important pillar, the tripod of power was guild. The Guild has a monopoly on space transportation, and so it controlled the whole universe. This feature provides the relative peace in the empire. The fact that the ships transporting large armies of the Guild was incredibly expensive, and it could afford only the very rich Great Houses. So it has developed a set of rules under which to start a war and how to wage it and through what means. In this regard, the notion of a war of assassins. Really send for a purpose murderer much cheaper than hiring a ship and pay huge fees, and ships were indeed formidable

These monsters ruled Guild navigators, able to foresee the future. Why is that? Because ships guild moved in space is not the usual way. They are rolled up space that is disappearing in one place and appear in another. Of course, no one knew where the ship arrives, he might appear at Star ILT fly into the comet, which happened at the beginning, so it took lyudei able to see the future - Guild navigators

But what united them all and, and Great Guild House and KOOAM? Owning than to give unlimited power over them? Right spice - melange.
This wealth is only on Dune, and so this planet was the most valuable of all. It is thanks to her Guild navigators could keep their ships in space, thanks to its people could extend life to 200 years. In case you could buy spices whole planetary system. However, its production has been fraught with difficulties in the first of which were sand worms.

And the worm

The worm circling over which ornithopters

These monsters were huge. In order to kill one of them tied to the bait we had a huge amount of explosives. Moving in the thick sand, they were chosen on the surface heard the noise that would devour the hapless traveler. That is why the walk in the desert was coined special arrhythmic step. Sand worms can easily absorb the harvester - a special plant to collect herbs.

However, due to the worms and the spice was formed. The second problem for the production of melange were Fremen - descendants Zensunni pilgrims fleeing from persecution during the Great Jihad. They often raided neighboring villages and attacking scouts. Sami Fremen lived in the depths of the desert in their sietch. It is this remoteness and protected them from punitive expeditions. Life in the sietch was not easy, for that would survive all adhere to strict discipline as usual and water. Why water? Do not forget that Dune is one big desert. In all the universe is valued spice, and valuable spice on Arrakis vostokrat - water. In order to save her Fremen wore a special suit - distikomb that recycles the water allocation

The blue eye is the distinguishing feature of all free men, and indeed all who consume the spice. They are called the eyes Ibad. A spice have been Fremen around they drank spiced coffee, eating spicy cookies and poetou their eyes acquired a thick dark blue. Another feature was their ability to Fremen ride the worm. This was done so. Special vibromolotom which is set in the desert called worm. While he devoured hammer with special hooks bearer climbed on his back, and as the body of the worm and segmented rings for soft flesh, ontyagivaya these rings could ensure that he would not dive into the deep and crawled to where you want.
Here's how

Rather so

That's basically all. Understandably not told a hundredth part of what is in the books. For example I put the story Muad'Dib It's just not possible, it is easier to read these amazing books. Finally a few more figures from the world of Dune

Freeman in the desert

Naib Stilgar. Naib - is the head of the sietch

Yes, to you! Naib's

The rite of initiation of the young Freeman. To ride your first worm. Although the picture is likely to Muad'Dib

Freeman saddle worm. Wieden vibromolot and hooks Submitter