Non-existent Hollywood director Alan Smithee took more than 20 films

Directed by Alan Smith (England. Alan Smithee, Allen Smithee, Alan Smythee, or Adam Smithee) - a nickname that is used in cases where the director for one reason or another refused to indicate his name in the credits.
The first name was used in the credits of western Death of a Gunfighter (1969). During the filming of Richard Widmark I quarreled with the director Robert Tottenham. As a result, Totten replaced by Don Siegel. When the film was shot, nor Totten nor Siegel did not want to see their names in the credits. And then it was coined by Alan Smithee - universal character for the salvation of directors who are disappointed in their works. Since 1968, with the pseudonym appears on the screen for more than 20 movies. Often Alan Smith points to the extended TV version directed famous films such as "Dune," "Scent of a Woman" and "Meet Joe Black" when editing the original version takes place without the participation of the director.
Source: ru.wikipedia.org and www.muzey-factov.ru
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