Students from Zaporozhye congratulated veteran

83-year-old Ivan found himself Milestone street artists, so they painted it locked.
Member of the Second World War, Ivan Milestone from Zaporozhye eve of May 9 decided to find graffiti that have painted its entrance to the holiday. Some of the familiar 83-year-old resident of the city heard about the dream of his grandfather, and wrote an ad for artists in social networks.
- I called the Jura, introduce students to the 2nd year, and said he was ready to paint the wall to the Victory Day, and I gladly accepted, - said Ivan Milestone.
And now it appeared in the doorway, "the picture." It is a gift from the street artists (except Yuri graffiti painted two women) participants in the war.
- I have four years do not go to the parade in honor of the victory due to health problems, but here such a gift - shared with the "Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine" Ivan Milestone.
It's nice that neighbors Ivan Danilovich also liked drawing. They now and then, which is repeated that fellow Grandfather, what's invented.

Source: kp.ua