Much of what is now happening with Russia and Ukraine becomes clear when you analyze the state budget

During the cold figures mask the real priorities and intentions of the authorities. During the last 4 years Russia lived under martial law.
Strany- budget is the budget of hatred, extinction and duping people.
Judge for yourself. See the table.
The fastest growing military spending. For 4 years, they increased by 80%! .. 50% increased budget security services and police. Priority Putin ocheviden- preparation for war and repression in the country.
Who paid for it?
Who suffered the most? In - First, education. Expenditures on it decreased in absolute terms by almost 100 billion rubles. And if we consider the effects of inflation, the reduction will amount to 150 billion. Thus, education has lost 30%. Hence, the general payment and degradation of higher education. I am sure this is a deliberate policy of the current government. Intelligent and educated she does not need. Ask too many questions, not loyal, more difficult to zobmirovaniyu.
Another victim of the policy - health care, the budget is lost for 4 years in absolute terms, p 20 billion, and inflation-adjusted 100, almost a quarter. Given the high mortality rate exceeds the birth rate, in terms of African life expectancy is related to the health of the nation except the occupation can not be named.
I am convinced that the preservation of the nation is not included in the plans of the Kremlin. Bet is placed on migrant workers and the sale of raw materials. And for the sale of oil and gas many workers do not have to. 15 million will be enough.
Terrible things with the support regions. Their funding was reduced by $ 120 billion, and adjusted for inflation by 200, or nearly 40%. Not surprisingly, the regions in heavily in debt, frozen almost all development programs, salaries and benefits.
Even support regimes have retired and those affected. In '14 the pension budget is practically not grown, which means freezing pensions amid rising prices for food and communal.
In the paddock and was also culture and sports development. They are intellectuals and a generation of healthy and vigorous obviously useless.
Is it too expensive fee desire of one man to rule forever, subjugating neighbors ???

From kammenty:
Here is the state Arab Emirates was formed in 1971. in the desert, where there were tribes and 80% illiterate. The country is almost no manufactures, sells oil and gas, tourism is developed. For 43goda became one of the richest countries in the world with a super modern city with a 30-40 story building. There are branches of prestigious international universities in England, the USA, Australia, the largest research centers of leading companies in the world. In the UAE, the tallest building in the world 828m., Unique artificial island in the form of palm trees with villas and hotels, the world's only 7-star hotel. hotel. Gasoline costs 0, $ 48. Per 1 liter, so taxi cheap, the country dry law. Indigenous people almost do not work, they get a percentage of the oil, the allowance at birth, a large piece of land to build a house, free training. And while each plant artificially watered (summer 50gradusov) and almost no fresh water in nature, as well as everywhere, even in the markets are air-conditioned. That's where the money spend normal rulers, not what our mediocrity. Blockquote>