116-year-old Peruvian shared the secret of his longevity

resident of Peru argues that the oldest person in the world and even has an identity card to prove it. According to the woman, her 116 years.
Philomena Taipa Mendoza, who believes that it has provided long life milk and goat meat, says that her 116 years, she has lived a hard life in the Andes, in his youth and remains a widow with nine small children. The woman never left their tiny village, and her secret was revealed only after she went to pick up a new type of pension udostovereniya.

The Ministry of Labour of Peru issued woman identity, according to which Mendoza was born December 20, 1897. If this is indeed true, Philomena two and a half months older Japanese women, which currently holds the world record dolgozhitelstva.

Misao Okawa, who was born on March 5, 1898, at the moment is the oldest person in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records and data Californian Gerontology Research Group. In the latter organization, in particular, are very skeptical of the veracity of data Mendoza. The group is now studying the details of her case because in recent years many falsified data, seeking to become the owner of the title of the oldest person on Earth. It is likely that members of the organization will decide to contact the Peruvian and conduct a series of tests to check whether she is the oldest person in the mire.

California Gerontology Research Group has a network of 40 correspondents who monitor centenarians around the world. Director of the organization is Dr. Stephen Coles, specializes in autopsies of people who died at the age of 110 let.

Mendoza, who lives in a poor village in a remote region of Huancavelica, was photographed this week, holding in front of his new pension certificate, which she received in the framework of the assistance to pensioners living in extreme nischety.

As dolgozhitelnitsa said: "I'm not one of the last century, but from the other. I am very old. My secret of longevity lies in the natural diet. I always eat potatoes, beans, goat meat, goat cheese, and drank sheep's milk. Everything I ate was growing in my garden. I never used canned food and non-alcoholic napitki.

She also said that she had a very hard life. Being still very young, she was widowed and her dependents left nine children. She had to work hard to grow them. Now, however, they have survived only three.
Source: fedpost.ru/lydi/45238-116-letnyaya-peruanka-podelilas-sekretom-svoego-dolgoletiya.html