Bus "Alterna"
In the early 90's team of engineers from the plant LiAZ seceded and established his own firm Alterna. Newly formed company moved to an adjacent area and began the development of new buses: the main stake was made on the domestic units and marginal cheapness.
Set units looked like this. The engine, located as in LiAZ-677, the right of the driver - KamAZ or YaMZ. Transmission - only manual steering - by MAZ, front axle - by lyase back - from the ZIL. (However, the elements of this set and can be changed.)
Since the bus had flat sides and windows, and stamped parts practically absent, Alterna could theoretically produce any machine-building factory.
In autumn 1992 the first prototype was ready Alterna-city bus 4216. In January 1993 there was articulated Alterna-6230 in March - Intercity vysokopallubny liner Alterna-4215, and in May, was embodied in the metal bus for the airport - Alterna-7202. The basic principles laid down in these machines - simplicity and interchangeability of units - fully meet the current situation in Russia.
According to available information, the buses about this project based on the following plants:
Engels, Saratov region (JSC SPETSAVTO)
Orsk, Orenburg region (Plant trailers Sarmat)
Perm (plant Agroremmash)
Amursk Khabarovsk Territory (defense plant Amurmash).
Let's take a closer look at these unusual range of buses (not broken, I will inform you how to finish)
Urban "Alterna-4216»
Salon 4216
The driver
Vysokopalubny intercity and very scary "Alterna-4215»
The only lived up to mid-2000-tion instance
Salon. Bus, built of angles. Primitive reliably. About beauty and comfort is not particularly thought
City "accordion" Alterna-6230. He collected only on "Sarmat»
In the late '90s, "Sarmat" slightly modified the existing model.
Thus was born the Sarmat-4225, named "Hope»
The bus was a bit nicer, a little more comfortable
However, it remained rare bird
Wide dissemination of these machines have not received. In total has not been released and hundreds of buses of all modifications. In theory, a good idea to build a simple machine was not properly implemented. Because of the ill-conceived trace wiring buses were quite a fire hazard, and the daunting and clumsy interior design does not promote the machine. Because, fortunately or unfortunately, almost all the "Alt" and "Sarmat" faded into history, leaving its mark as "bus, consisting of right angles».
Photos - EZSA-4217, late 4216 version of the Saratov production
Set units looked like this. The engine, located as in LiAZ-677, the right of the driver - KamAZ or YaMZ. Transmission - only manual steering - by MAZ, front axle - by lyase back - from the ZIL. (However, the elements of this set and can be changed.)
Since the bus had flat sides and windows, and stamped parts practically absent, Alterna could theoretically produce any machine-building factory.
In autumn 1992 the first prototype was ready Alterna-city bus 4216. In January 1993 there was articulated Alterna-6230 in March - Intercity vysokopallubny liner Alterna-4215, and in May, was embodied in the metal bus for the airport - Alterna-7202. The basic principles laid down in these machines - simplicity and interchangeability of units - fully meet the current situation in Russia.
According to available information, the buses about this project based on the following plants:
Engels, Saratov region (JSC SPETSAVTO)
Orsk, Orenburg region (Plant trailers Sarmat)
Perm (plant Agroremmash)
Amursk Khabarovsk Territory (defense plant Amurmash).
Let's take a closer look at these unusual range of buses (not broken, I will inform you how to finish)

Urban "Alterna-4216»

Salon 4216

The driver

Vysokopalubny intercity and very scary "Alterna-4215»

The only lived up to mid-2000-tion instance

Salon. Bus, built of angles. Primitive reliably. About beauty and comfort is not particularly thought

City "accordion" Alterna-6230. He collected only on "Sarmat»

In the late '90s, "Sarmat" slightly modified the existing model.
Thus was born the Sarmat-4225, named "Hope»

The bus was a bit nicer, a little more comfortable

However, it remained rare bird

Wide dissemination of these machines have not received. In total has not been released and hundreds of buses of all modifications. In theory, a good idea to build a simple machine was not properly implemented. Because of the ill-conceived trace wiring buses were quite a fire hazard, and the daunting and clumsy interior design does not promote the machine. Because, fortunately or unfortunately, almost all the "Alt" and "Sarmat" faded into history, leaving its mark as "bus, consisting of right angles».
Photos - EZSA-4217, late 4216 version of the Saratov production