How to cheat tourists ...


China - the birthplace of almost all the people walking through the world of fakes, so if you are not a supporter of buying replicas, be careful. Most often offer tourists a fake pearls and silk.
However, to identify a fake is not difficult: look carefully drilled in the pearl of the hole (at the edges you can see what is hidden under the cover), throw the pearl on the table (a natural bounce like a ball) and look closely and hold hands (artificial perfectly smooth, a real little uneven and always cool). Similarly, easy to distinguish, and rayon.
To do this, find the thread at the edge of the product, which can be cut, and ignite. Rayon will melt and smell the chemistry and natural can be rubbed in the fingers and the smell of burning hair, he will. If you are not allowed to conduct such an experiment, go to another store.
When buying fruit, vegetables and tea, remember that the price of goods in China weight usually does not indicate per kilogram, and for a pound - you do not try to cheat, just in this country, so it is accepted.
Singapore and Hong Kong

In these countries our tourists like to buy different expensive equipment: cameras, computers, tablets. Be careful: sometimes people at home find that the box was quite another thing.
There are other options deception: on the street to people like you and asks what you are looking for. When you tell him, said in his shop (it can be in two steps), this product is sold at a very good price.
The store defiantly sent someone from the staff to the warehouse, and in the meantime take money or rolled card. While supplies last "bear," you start to tell that nothing you decide to buy this model, it is much better to stay on the other, and at very competitive price.
The proposed model is usually not in demand, and offer it to you at inflated prices. "The Man from the warehouse" can wait forever, because what you have ordered, this store is not.
You just try to give the stale goods in the hope that you get tired of waiting, and you agree (especially since the money is already the seller). Therefore, in any case not to part with cash until you see the right thing with your own eyes, then do not let it out of hand!

From Thailand, many are willing to give products with precious stones. On the street you will often offer to buy a scattering of rubies and sapphires cheap. By the way, they can be either fake or real - you can decide whether to play in the roulette.
Just remember that the export of rough gemstones prohibited. If you want guarantees, contact the major centers in the factory, there is a possibility that you will be deceived less. But, unfortunately, it is known rare occasions when stones purchased with certificates were faked. Apparently, sellers hope that foreigners will not go back swing right.

Thriving trade in precious stones in India, and sellers are willing to do anything to you bought a fake. For example, even in your hotel you can waylay merchant and confidentially ask to carry across the border scattering of stones, explaining that he has exhausted its limit.
And at first you have to pay for the goods, and then abroad, they have allegedly buys his partner have a much better price. Do I need to explain that upon arrival you will not meet, and, turning to the jewelers, you will find that purchased a handful of marbles.
The whole of Asia

In Asian stores try to always have a small change money, because of delivery from the seller most likely will not. It is, of course, send your assistant to change the bill, and the more you do not see it - you're not willing to wait a few hours. If you took such trouble, saying that contact the police, and deliberately start dialing - delivery usually just is.

In Egypt can cheat at every turn, so relax in this country is never and nowhere. If you want to please family and friends of one of the most popular souvenirs - real papyrus, in any case, do not listen to taxi drivers and all sorts of street helpers who advise "the best shop in the city is very cheap" - there you surely slipped a fake. < br /> Go to a specialty store and make sure that you have issued a certificate (it may be necessary to route). Note that the papyrus is less than 10-15 dollars may not be worth all that cheaper is not worth your attention.

Czech Republic although it is in Europe, but there cheat our brother tourists, no less than in Asia. So, you need to carefully check the receipt, if you score a lot of goods at the supermarket.
As in our Russian shops where you may well break through 10 bottles of beer instead of eight, or the correct amount, but at the price of more expensive varieties. Often in check can detect items that you did not buy, and sometimes inattentive per customer instead of 1, 55 euro punch 15, 5 (if the buyer will notice, we can say that the cashier was tired and made a typo).

If you have never smoked cigars, and nothing they do not know, chances are that you store in the Cuban slipped a bad product at the best price samples. Do not buy cigars on the street or in the shops is cheap - there you will sell nekonditsiyu or fake.
Go to the specialty stores, better at tobacco factories. If you buy a piece, you ask when you opened the box (it should be on a small rectangular green warranty seal, and in between the layers of cigars - cedar plate exactly corresponds to the size of the box).
Source: travel.rbc.ru