Remember Nokia, it is officially no more

In the United States, this brand almost did not know, but it fell in poor countries. And it is clear why: more reliable and thus cheap phones did not exist.
In the African outback residents pool their savings to buy one unit of the entire village, put the antenna higher and occasionally sent a messenger to the city to charge the batteries.

At the same time Nokia has always been prone to crazy experiments. Many of the ideas that she checked, seemed absurd. Some - on her trouble - ahead of the market for five years, maybe more.
The word "smartphone" has not yet come up, when the first Nokia Communicator. He resembled not so much a phone as a very small laptop.

In 2003, Nokia has decided that the future of mobile games and released a hybrid phone and handheld console called the N-Gage. Then they laughed at him, but as time passed - and what happens? It turns out that the idea was correct.

Soon, Nokia has developed probably the first tablet with a full-fledged mobile browser. In 2005, it was a terrible rarity. Before the advent of the iPhone and Android had a few years.

No wonder that Nokia was a phone in the Neo "Matrix". Unless Nokia, what else?
It is unfortunate that this is now the end. Modern mobile phones are very lacking in the very madness that distinguishes Nokia products in its best times.
Source: egear.ru