Google has received a patent for the contact lenses with a camera

Company Google получила U.S. for contact lenses which contain an electrical circuit and the sensor chamber. Mentioned sensors of light, pressure, temperature and electric field.
A few months ago it was reported that in the Google X labs are developing «smart" contact lenses , which can measure the level of glucose in blood. Now engineers may try to put on an integrated circuit tiny camcorder. It is much more convenient than the camera on the glasses, because the direction of the shooting will always coincide with the direction of gaze. In addition, the camera lens is not annoying in others, like glasses Google Glass.
Such technologies are gradually emerging from the experimental status. Scientists have already been able to implement a contact lens small display and other electronics.
Continuous video recording of the world with computer processing of information gives some obvious advantages. The computer can always remember and suggest important information that people missed by attention: the inscription, a familiar face, the details of an important event. The patent mentions the possibility of changing the focal length of the lens in the lens, ie, zooming, which is also convenient when visiting the stadium, theater or other public events.
Illustrations from patent Google i>

Source: habrahabr.ru/post/219781/
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