Do not be callous, please.
Today I have for the first time in recent years, 5-7 to call an ambulance. Not ourselves and not their loved ones, and the stranger. It was the morning to work on quite a busy street, look, man clings to the wrought railing with both hands and then crouches, then gets up, it is clear that it is bad, everyone goes by, sometimes turning his face towards the (normally dressed, not a bum and not wino). We approach it the same time I'm old (seventy years already) ask:
- Are you okay?
- Yes, sick and hurt the entire right side. - Barely audible response.
I immediately dialed 103, the brigade arrived in 15 minutes (do not be surprised, I live in Smolensk, and here it is 15 minutes long), and my grandmother, who had been talking to a stranger compassionate man - "Hold my son." Deposited with hands on the arms of the patient and went in different directions.
At work I certainly late, made himself a reprimand to be entered and plunged into the depths of furniture trade.
And now I sit and I think (I will not hide, freewheeling little bit for tomorrow again work work) as well? After 15 minutes, we spent close to wriggling near the fence guy nobody, no one stopped and I did not ask how much he suffers here already, but asked how old he was (in the ambulance were interested), so - 43. I'm 33, then there, it is likely that in ten years, someone will pass by me, and pretend that nothing is happening. People come to your senses by spending 15 minutes of your life, it's possible you'll save someone else!
Apathy and indifference - a terrible crime, let's not make them even too often, and?
- Are you okay?
- Yes, sick and hurt the entire right side. - Barely audible response.
I immediately dialed 103, the brigade arrived in 15 minutes (do not be surprised, I live in Smolensk, and here it is 15 minutes long), and my grandmother, who had been talking to a stranger compassionate man - "Hold my son." Deposited with hands on the arms of the patient and went in different directions.
At work I certainly late, made himself a reprimand to be entered and plunged into the depths of furniture trade.
And now I sit and I think (I will not hide, freewheeling little bit for tomorrow again work work) as well? After 15 minutes, we spent close to wriggling near the fence guy nobody, no one stopped and I did not ask how much he suffers here already, but asked how old he was (in the ambulance were interested), so - 43. I'm 33, then there, it is likely that in ten years, someone will pass by me, and pretend that nothing is happening. People come to your senses by spending 15 minutes of your life, it's possible you'll save someone else!
Apathy and indifference - a terrible crime, let's not make them even too often, and?
