Traditional medicine (30 pics + 3 videos)
And now positive about medicine, or more precisely, about the people's idiocy at about medical subjects. A good example of the fact that without the development of medicine, we slipped into the level of the Middle Ages. I select only the most ridiculous. If a person does not mind, and think about the health of the same is not necessary. And so, the clippings from various "health" of newspapers, funny ads and the like folk medical jokes. It is strongly recommended. Any healthy person like fun should cause terror and wild laughter.
News SMI2
Video jokes about Elena Malysheva and transfer "Living Health", which goes to the first channel. Video - Bojana wild, but really stupid.
Song of the testes in the "live healthy" for 1 channel. Medicine we moving in the right direction, however.
Elena Malysheva about the benefits of male masturbation
Elena Malysheva. Bunch vagina - is the norm.
Source: kaifolog.ru

News SMI2

Video jokes about Elena Malysheva and transfer "Living Health", which goes to the first channel. Video - Bojana wild, but really stupid.
Song of the testes in the "live healthy" for 1 channel. Medicine we moving in the right direction, however.
Elena Malysheva about the benefits of male masturbation
Elena Malysheva. Bunch vagina - is the norm.
Source: kaifolog.ru