Camye unusual streets of the world (12 photos)

The ability to pass on this street there is in San Francisco, which is known, stands on the hills ... .and there is in this city of Lombard Street (Lombard Street). Not only that, it is a 27-degree hill, so she still has eight "sharp" corners. This makes the Lombard "the most winding streets of America» ...
In 2001, local authorities have had nearly closed it for
cars, but, on reflection, decided to make a move one way - from the top down and to limit and prohibit parking ...

in Swindon in England it seems confusing crossroads, but, in fact,
it is surprisingly functional and unravels rather than confuses
movement ...
& lt; & lt; img alt = & quot; & quot; src = «spynet.ru/images/2007/12/10/dorogi/1196940490_4c50e.jpg»>
However, one of its kind uninitiated could plunge into shock ...

In Dunedin New Zealand is the steepest rise in the road ...

The fact that his cabinet were planning officials in London without taking into account the terrain ...

In Buenos Aires - the widest street in the world ...

Its width of 300 feet and its intersection takes a few minutes ...

The narrowest street in the world is located in Castletown in England - for her and a man-barely passes the ...

old "street" in the world - in Egypt, leading to the pyramids ... more 4
.Postroena 600 years ago ... This route connected the ancient basalt quarry lake,
adjacent to the Nile, on which the basalt transported ...

And the longest - in Toronto, Canada ...

Its construction began in the 18th century and is still going on ...