One-two-three-four-five. Will cast out demons
Several Polish priests teamed up to release the world's first magazine about exorcism. It is reported by Agence France-Presse.
The magazine will be published monthly Egzorcysta a circulation of 15,000 copies. The first issue was released on 62 pages. Among the materials of the pilot issue, "the New Age - the spiritual vacuum cleaner" and "Satan is real." Stoiost magazine is 10 zlotys (2, 34 euros).
As explained to AFP Posatsky Father Alexander, a member of the International Council of the Catholic Church on exorcism and one of the founders of the magazine, the number of exorcists in Poland increased due to the development of capitalism in the past 15 years to more than 120 people.
Exorcism itself, thus becoming more and more popular - in Warsaw alone people written to them to receive more than three months.
Posatsky explained that the creators of the magazine are a collection of prayers for exorcism, approved by Pope John Paul II. He added that the priests, cast out devils, working in collaboration with psychologists to distinguish those cases of insanity of obsession.
Here the most important thing - to be able to keep the most serious and in some cases even anxious face and neighing at the most inopportune moment. But in fact, it is interesting to contact these hunters.
The magazine will be published monthly Egzorcysta a circulation of 15,000 copies. The first issue was released on 62 pages. Among the materials of the pilot issue, "the New Age - the spiritual vacuum cleaner" and "Satan is real." Stoiost magazine is 10 zlotys (2, 34 euros).
As explained to AFP Posatsky Father Alexander, a member of the International Council of the Catholic Church on exorcism and one of the founders of the magazine, the number of exorcists in Poland increased due to the development of capitalism in the past 15 years to more than 120 people.
Exorcism itself, thus becoming more and more popular - in Warsaw alone people written to them to receive more than three months.
Posatsky explained that the creators of the magazine are a collection of prayers for exorcism, approved by Pope John Paul II. He added that the priests, cast out devils, working in collaboration with psychologists to distinguish those cases of insanity of obsession.
Here the most important thing - to be able to keep the most serious and in some cases even anxious face and neighing at the most inopportune moment. But in fact, it is interesting to contact these hunters.