Droste Effect in the works of Josh Sommers
In this issue you will see amazing photographs in the style of the famous Dutch
artist Maurits Escher met Josh Sommers of Petaluma, California.
1. In this collection of images is widely used Droste effect, got its name from the labels for packs of Dutch cocoa brand Droste. Packaging with this picture was released in 1904, the term "Droste effect" was spread in the 1970s, but the pictorial effect is much older.
2. The first well-known application of the effect of "picture in picture" is considered a triptych Stefanescu brush Italian painter Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337 biennium).
3. The specificity of the application of this visual effect is that small copy of the main picture is placed on the main image just in the place where it is most logical, and the whole process is repeated indefinitely. With the right preparation of the composition can achieve really magical effect.
4. Somers said that the idea to create a photo with the effect of Droste captured his first in 2006, when he met with such paintings. And he began systematic work on creation of the necessary software.
5. First, Josh found an artist who agreed to paint a picture on his description.
6. Pictures from the Droste effect, generally speaking, belong to the section of fractal geometry, and mathematical formulas exist that allow you to calculate the elements of the image. But the artist did not explain all the details of the calculation of Josh, but simply advised him to collection of books, which was the necessary information.
7. To master a new mount for themselves the information tridtsatidvuhletnego engineer needed several months of hard work. But a good specialist mathematics is not afraid, and work confidently move forward.
8. In his work, Josh kept in constant contact with several artists, from time to time gave him the idea that significantly accelerates the work and, in the end, helped him to create his own formula for automatic calculation of the image.
10. Upon receiving a working formula, Josh decided not to do from her secrets and published it. He says he himself has promised to do so, while still at the stage of work, bit by bit when he had to squeeze the required information from the artists who were in no hurry to share secrets with him.
12. Josh created a detailed instruction for those that want to create their own these pictures, and posted it on the site (for example, a detailed tutorial on creating pictures with Droste effect can be found here www.flickr.com/photos/joshsommers/sets/72157594515046947/ ).
13. In a very short time, his post was viewed 50 thousand visitors, and a copy of the instructions posted on many other sites.
14. Published material immediately gained immense popularity. By Josh even asked software developers are asking for permission to use his formula to create a separate option in the program Photoshop PixelBender.
15. The collection of works of Josh Sommers Droste effect contains more than 150 images. One of his first works, whose popularity exceeded 20 000 views, was a picture titled "Eternal cry." He created several versions of this self-portrait, and today the Internet can see a lot of copies of this painting.
via bigpicture.ru
artist Maurits Escher met Josh Sommers of Petaluma, California.

1. In this collection of images is widely used Droste effect, got its name from the labels for packs of Dutch cocoa brand Droste. Packaging with this picture was released in 1904, the term "Droste effect" was spread in the 1970s, but the pictorial effect is much older.

2. The first well-known application of the effect of "picture in picture" is considered a triptych Stefanescu brush Italian painter Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337 biennium).

3. The specificity of the application of this visual effect is that small copy of the main picture is placed on the main image just in the place where it is most logical, and the whole process is repeated indefinitely. With the right preparation of the composition can achieve really magical effect.

4. Somers said that the idea to create a photo with the effect of Droste captured his first in 2006, when he met with such paintings. And he began systematic work on creation of the necessary software.

5. First, Josh found an artist who agreed to paint a picture on his description.

6. Pictures from the Droste effect, generally speaking, belong to the section of fractal geometry, and mathematical formulas exist that allow you to calculate the elements of the image. But the artist did not explain all the details of the calculation of Josh, but simply advised him to collection of books, which was the necessary information.

7. To master a new mount for themselves the information tridtsatidvuhletnego engineer needed several months of hard work. But a good specialist mathematics is not afraid, and work confidently move forward.

8. In his work, Josh kept in constant contact with several artists, from time to time gave him the idea that significantly accelerates the work and, in the end, helped him to create his own formula for automatic calculation of the image.


10. Upon receiving a working formula, Josh decided not to do from her secrets and published it. He says he himself has promised to do so, while still at the stage of work, bit by bit when he had to squeeze the required information from the artists who were in no hurry to share secrets with him.


12. Josh created a detailed instruction for those that want to create their own these pictures, and posted it on the site (for example, a detailed tutorial on creating pictures with Droste effect can be found here www.flickr.com/photos/joshsommers/sets/72157594515046947/ ).

13. In a very short time, his post was viewed 50 thousand visitors, and a copy of the instructions posted on many other sites.

14. Published material immediately gained immense popularity. By Josh even asked software developers are asking for permission to use his formula to create a separate option in the program Photoshop PixelBender.

15. The collection of works of Josh Sommers Droste effect contains more than 150 images. One of his first works, whose popularity exceeded 20 000 views, was a picture titled "Eternal cry." He created several versions of this self-portrait, and today the Internet can see a lot of copies of this painting.

via bigpicture.ru