Strobeshnik (photo, video)
Designer Vyacheslav Slavinskiy presented an unusual concept of hours on the basis of the disassembled HDD. In the disk cut stencils numbers, which, when it rotates in the right moments are illuminated by LEDs. Very good effect is visible in the video (after the 40th second when the hard disk goes at full speed, miracles begin).
Miracles !!! 11
Who does not know about the stroboscope, here are a couple of definitions:
Strobe (from the Greek. Στρόβος - «spin," "chaotic motion" and σκοπέω - «look") - a device that produces quick repetitive pulses of bright light. It was originally a toy.
Also stroboscope - a device for quick observation of periodic movements, the effect of which is based on the stroboscopic effect.

Miracles !!! 11

Who does not know about the stroboscope, here are a couple of definitions:
Strobe (from the Greek. Στρόβος - «spin," "chaotic motion" and σκοπέω - «look") - a device that produces quick repetitive pulses of bright light. It was originally a toy.
Also stroboscope - a device for quick observation of periodic movements, the effect of which is based on the stroboscopic effect.