Easter in the Philippines
All a Happy Easter !!! :)
In the Philippines, dozens of people allow themselves to be crucified on Good Friday, repeating taken many years ago on this day the cross of Christ flour, despite the condemnation of the practice and the practice of mass self-flagellation by the Catholic Church. Colorful costume process following major milestones of biblical history, accompanied by hundreds of flagellants - engaged in self-torture using whips Filipinos. It is expected that this spectacle will be observed from 20 to 30 thousand people - including local authorities ignore the ban foreign tourists.
Alexi Dionitsio keeps nails, which penitents are nailed to the crucifix in Hagonoy, Bulacan Province, Philippines.
People in Cavite, west of Manila, the crucifixion was prepared to be used in the ritual crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
The believer is a wooden cross in Kutude, San Fernando. Behind him is a man with a whip, engaged in self-flagellation.
The boy looks at carrying the cross of the believer in Angeles.
A believer in the mask is a crucifix in the city of San Fernando.
Member of a religious brotherhood penitents tied to a wooden cross in Kutude, San Fernando.
Flagellants beat themselves with bamboo sticks, tied to a rope.
The boy looks at the flagellants, who prays at the church in San Fernando.
A crowd watches as flagellant engaged in self-flagellation.
Penitent believer in a mask and a wreath of artificial flowers on Maundy Thursday in the city of Angeles.
Residents of the island of Marinduque in the costumes of Roman soldiers Moriones Festival.
Participants of the parade in costumes of Roman soldiers involved in the dance competition at the festival Moriones.
Filipino Catholic with a bloody cross on his back is a place of atonement Input the ritual in San Fernando.
People photographed and filmed as people cut back blade Flagellants in Angeles.
Flagellants with bloody backs kneel in front of a church in San Fernando.
Catholics with bloody backs are on the streets of San Fernando, continuing to beat himself.
Young man beats flagellants, imitating Jesus Christ, the bark of the banana tree in Adzhelese, Pampanga province during Holy Week.
Man uses the broken glass, inserted into a piece of wood to cut back a Catholic in San Francisco.
Samobichevatel beats his bamboo sticks in Paombonge, north of Manila.
32-year-old Menardo Penafrela, government worker, playing the role of Jesus Christ for the fourth time, beating people in costumes of Roman soldiers.
Recently the Catholic bishops in the Philippines have criticized the traditional Easter rituals, when people engage in self-flagellation and beat each other to the Crucifixion.
Believer nailed to the cross during one of the most extreme ceremonies in the Philippines.
Believer feet nailed to the cross in San Juan, Province of Pampanga, north of Manila.
Good Friday - the most mournful day of the church calendar. Orthodox and Catholics remember the cross of suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
Ruben ENAYAT (right), who was nailed to the cross 24 times, screaming in pain, while the actors in costume centurions nailed his feet.
Mary Jane Mamangun nailed to the cross in the village of San Juan.
Around the world there are hundreds of processions during Holy Week. In Spain, especially a lot of them. In the photo: members of the fraternity "Dolors" involved in the process.
Believers perform "Dance of the Dead" in Vergese, eastern Spain.
Bloody handprints on the wall of the church after the procession passes through the streets of the city Verbicaro, southern Italy.
And in India, to imitate Christ's crucifixion used a spear.

In the Philippines, dozens of people allow themselves to be crucified on Good Friday, repeating taken many years ago on this day the cross of Christ flour, despite the condemnation of the practice and the practice of mass self-flagellation by the Catholic Church. Colorful costume process following major milestones of biblical history, accompanied by hundreds of flagellants - engaged in self-torture using whips Filipinos. It is expected that this spectacle will be observed from 20 to 30 thousand people - including local authorities ignore the ban foreign tourists.

Alexi Dionitsio keeps nails, which penitents are nailed to the crucifix in Hagonoy, Bulacan Province, Philippines.

People in Cavite, west of Manila, the crucifixion was prepared to be used in the ritual crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

The believer is a wooden cross in Kutude, San Fernando. Behind him is a man with a whip, engaged in self-flagellation.

The boy looks at carrying the cross of the believer in Angeles.

A believer in the mask is a crucifix in the city of San Fernando.

Member of a religious brotherhood penitents tied to a wooden cross in Kutude, San Fernando.

Flagellants beat themselves with bamboo sticks, tied to a rope.

The boy looks at the flagellants, who prays at the church in San Fernando.

A crowd watches as flagellant engaged in self-flagellation.

Penitent believer in a mask and a wreath of artificial flowers on Maundy Thursday in the city of Angeles.

Residents of the island of Marinduque in the costumes of Roman soldiers Moriones Festival.

Participants of the parade in costumes of Roman soldiers involved in the dance competition at the festival Moriones.

Filipino Catholic with a bloody cross on his back is a place of atonement Input the ritual in San Fernando.
People photographed and filmed as people cut back blade Flagellants in Angeles.

Flagellants with bloody backs kneel in front of a church in San Fernando.
Catholics with bloody backs are on the streets of San Fernando, continuing to beat himself.
Young man beats flagellants, imitating Jesus Christ, the bark of the banana tree in Adzhelese, Pampanga province during Holy Week.

Man uses the broken glass, inserted into a piece of wood to cut back a Catholic in San Francisco.

Samobichevatel beats his bamboo sticks in Paombonge, north of Manila.

32-year-old Menardo Penafrela, government worker, playing the role of Jesus Christ for the fourth time, beating people in costumes of Roman soldiers.

Recently the Catholic bishops in the Philippines have criticized the traditional Easter rituals, when people engage in self-flagellation and beat each other to the Crucifixion.
Believer nailed to the cross during one of the most extreme ceremonies in the Philippines.
Believer feet nailed to the cross in San Juan, Province of Pampanga, north of Manila.

Good Friday - the most mournful day of the church calendar. Orthodox and Catholics remember the cross of suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

Ruben ENAYAT (right), who was nailed to the cross 24 times, screaming in pain, while the actors in costume centurions nailed his feet.

Mary Jane Mamangun nailed to the cross in the village of San Juan.

Around the world there are hundreds of processions during Holy Week. In Spain, especially a lot of them. In the photo: members of the fraternity "Dolors" involved in the process.

Believers perform "Dance of the Dead" in Vergese, eastern Spain.

Bloody handprints on the wall of the church after the procession passes through the streets of the city Verbicaro, southern Italy.
And in India, to imitate Christ's crucifixion used a spear.