New Russian Blue
It has long been noticed when observed at the bus stop for the pigeons, they have in fact just as we have with you, and our government. I was standing at the bus stop, looking grandmother feeding pigeons with bread and grains. On the feast of pigeons flew 40-50. At first I did not really scrutinized, afraid to miss his bus, but then when I drove the next is not my bus, I looked for pigeons ... The majority of pigeons nervously ran and plucked grains and bread, but then I noticed that one pigeon is not moving, he was fat and tall next to him was thin slender pigeon, I assumed that it can be compared with our Russian to ... maybe it was some kind of tycoon among the pigeons. He does not need bread, probably somewhere in the Gorky Park (Perm), it has a large and elegant nest loaf of bread in the nest, and dove certainly not the last. After 2 minutes of observation, I noticed a couple more members of our society, but in the guise of pigeons. Very close to the oligarch was ugly dove, in appearance, he was hungry, and around it were healthy Umballa probably not difficult to guess that it was the president or the mayor. I also noticed a pigeon who was limping, apparently suffered during some unpleasant incident, feathers had been gutted, and he looked glumly, and probably he was very old, it most likely was a veteran among the pigeons or an old invalid, it no helped, he ran for the crumbs but do not have time to run up, it overtook a young and fast-doves, they are gray mass did not notice any veteran, or the president, nor the oligarchs, it is not clear what was going on in their head ... Soon, when the food began to run out, President flew with pigeons keep him at his side in a hurry flew another 3 pigeons, apparently it is some high-ranking officials among the pigeons. When feed is ended, all the pigeons began to fly apart, and soon there was only one veteran oligarch with his dove, before which he vyezhivalsya as he could. But soon he left the stop. Rode my bus, I'm trying to keep your eyes from one pigeon got in and drove off, the veteran was left standing there, looking into the distance ...
Lyricist me :)

Lyricist me :)