Graffiti OaKoAk
French graffiti artists under the pseudonym OaKoAk enter their work in the urban landscape, making it a part of the image. To start an interesting figure, it is enough to crack the wall or dents in the asphalt.
25 works of talented street artists, who created true masterpieces in a duet with the environment.
Graffiti - barbarism or art?
Banksy: Man, Myth, Legend
Street art.
Street art with humor and irony
Graffiti - what is it?
Artist bully OaKoAk
Berlin street art
Graffiti in Athens (17 photos)
Speaking of graffiti
Street art from around the world
Beauty shortcomings
20 street installations that reveal the city on the other side
Battle graffiti artists
The broken Windows theory: how to win the crime in new York
How to make eco-graffiti from moss
Room street art
We clean our city
Broken window theory
Eco - graffiti on the wall in the grey city
Broken windows theory
Banksy in the past month
Millions of euros in the London Waterloo
Broken windows theory
25 works of talented street artists, who created true masterpieces in a duet with the environment.
Graffiti - barbarism or art?
Banksy: Man, Myth, Legend
Street art.
Street art with humor and irony
Graffiti - what is it?
Artist bully OaKoAk
Berlin street art
Graffiti in Athens (17 photos)
Speaking of graffiti
Street art from around the world
Beauty shortcomings
20 street installations that reveal the city on the other side
Battle graffiti artists
The broken Windows theory: how to win the crime in new York
How to make eco-graffiti from moss
Room street art
We clean our city
Broken window theory
Eco - graffiti on the wall in the grey city
Broken windows theory
Banksy in the past month
Millions of euros in the London Waterloo
Broken windows theory
This costume is called a wingsuit.
Dog before and after (6 photos)